Commonwealth Games Special Event Station
Unit 68, Bandeath Industrial Estate Throsk, Stirling FK7 7NP Scotland
QSL: LoTW, e-QSL, Direct and via the Bureau (Clublog OQRS only)
Email: Use mouse to view..
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20140725 2050UTC 14042kHz GA14GC
Date : 25/Jul/2014 2050UTC
Freq : 14042kHz CW
PC Recording
GA14CG - Golf Alpha One Four Commonwealth Games
Special Event Station to Celebrate the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland
July 21st - August 3rd 2014
"The Commonwealth Games is an International, multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations. The event was first held in 1930 and takes place every four years. The Games are described as the third largest multi-sport event in the world, after the Olympic Games and the Asian Games"
To celebrate the Commonwealth Games this summer, the Stirling & District Amateur Radio Society (GM6NX) are hosting a special event station at their club premises, approximately 25 miles north-east of the city of Glasgow
Loc: IO86bc
IOTA: EU-005 (Great Britain)
The Station will be run by members of the Stirling & DARS along with the support of other clubs and individuals. Visitors are most welcome to the station
There will be 3 HF stations and 2 VHF stations operational
We will be active from 1.8MHz to 144MHz; using CW, SSB and Data
For more information about the station, check us out at:
You can also follow us on Twitter (@GA14CG) and "like" us on Facebook
Real time log. Data QSO's will be delayed by 24 hours
If you are not in the log within 24 hours, please work us again!
QSL Information:
Electronic: LoTW and e-QSL
Paper: Direct and Bureau (Clublog OQRS only)
We prefer to QSL via LoTW and e-QSL to save money, time and to protect the environment
If you want a paper card, please request a card direct or via the bureau using Clublog OQRS
When using OQRS, you DO NOT send your card to us, which is unnecessary and slows down the QSL process. You simply request a card (if you are in our log) and we send it to you!
OQRS Request:
Uploads to Clublog are instantaneous. Uploads to LoTW and e-QSL are made at the end of each day
SWL reports welcome. If you would like a card, please e-mail us for further instructions
In summary:
1. LoTW and e-QSL (Uploads are made at the end of each day)
2. Direct and via the Bureau using Clublog OQRS
If you are not a member of Clublog, visit to create a free account. Upload your log and once your log matches with ours, you can request a card direct or via the bureau using OQRS
If you are a SWL and would like a card, please e-mail us for further instructions
If you send your card via the bureau or direct, you WILL NOT receive a reply!
Thank you for your understanding!
Any questions or issues, please e-mail us at:
Our antennas at the GM6NX club HQ in use for GA14CG
Inside the shack
We do not represent Glasgow 2014 Ltd or any of their partners. This special event station is run solely by members of the Stirling & DARS for non-commercial gain and to support and celebrate the Games. All copyrights reserved to their respective owners.
1129249 Last modified: 2014-07-25 20:14:20, 11621 bytes
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