20150905 VP5/KO8SCA(Turks & Caicos Islands) on 20m CW
1815 215TH STREET APT 4B
Ham MemberLookups: 3719
20150905 1059UTC 14030kHz VP5/KO8SCA Date : 05/Sep/2015 1059UTC Freq : 14030kHz CW Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
Weak signal..but I can read.. : )
Thank you for looking me up! I am planning a Holiday Style DXpedition to Turks and Caicosas VP5SCA (callsign used during the "All Asia SSB DX Contest 2015") and VP5/KO8SCA (callsign used outside the contest) on September 3-8, 2015. Equipment K3 and Spyderbeam on SSB & CW. LoTW after the DXpedition. For VP5SCA and VP5/KO8SCA QSL cards: direct only, to KO8SCA. For outside USA, please include SAE and $2/2 Euro/PayPal. For USA please include SASE only.
I love hunting for DX stations and counting my worked/confirmed DXCC entities! So, if I told you "Thanks for a new one", you should know you made my day! 70 DXCC entities to go!!!!!!
DX Peditions/DX entities hoping to work this year (2015): Navasa Island, Cocos Island, Iran,St Pierre & Miquelon, Dem Rep Congo, Eritrea, Juan Fernandez Island, Nepal, Spratly Islands, Trindade & Martin Vaz Island, Wake Island, Cocos Keeling, Tuvalu, Chesterfield Island, Equatorial Guinea, Willis Island, Bouvet, Franz Josef Land, Comoros, Iraq.
DX entities I tried but could not work: Botswana, Mount Athos, Buthan and St Peter & St Paul Rocks. It gets harder and harder to catch new ones!
July 2015: DXCC entities: worked 270, confirmed 263.
May 2015: DXCC entities: worked 267, confirmed: 254
April 2015: DXCC entities: worked 265, confirmed: 253
February 2015: Upgraded my ham radio license to Extra (the highest ham license in US). Became a VE (Volunteer Examiner). QSQ #1000 with YO8ST. DXCC entities: worked 252, confirmed: 243
January 2015: DXCC entities: worked 243, confirmed: 227
December 2014: DXCC entities worked: 241, DXCC entities confirmed: 218
November 2014: DXCC entities worked: 215, DXCC entities confirmed: 185
August 2014: DXCC entities worked: 146, DXCC entities confirmed: 93. Proud owner of a new Elecraft K3. It took 1 month of work to assemble (even with no soldering involved)!
July 2014: First paper QSL received from PJ7/WA6WXD
April 2014: DXCC worked: 8, DXCC confirmed: 0. DXCC #1: first QSO with K2LS
March 2014: KO8SCA vanity call was issued to me
I am a member of the following ham radio organizations: ARRL, LIDXA, NCDXF, RSGB, WE2OEM Equipment:
Main rig: Elecraft K3 with 100W out. Great radio! (http://www.elecraft.com/)
Begali Magnetic Traveler Light iambic key. The workmanship on this key is amazing! I am truly impressed. (http://www.i2rtf.com/html/traveler_light.html)
Power supply: ALINCO DM-330MV (http://www.alinco.com/Products/DM330MVE/)
Backup Equipment:
Backup rig: Yaesu FT-840 with 100W out. Old but works great!
Backup transmatch: MFJ-929. Small and fast. I could not ask for more.
Backup CW Electronic Keyer Paddle: MFJ-422D
Base antennas:
AlphaDelta DX-20: 20M monoband dipole
W8AMZ ½ Wave 10M monoband dipole
QRV antennas:
Spyderbeam (http://www.spiderbeam.com/). This is a DXpeditioner's dream antenna.
Radioworks Carolina Windom 80. Impressive performance on 80M to 10M bands. Too bad it is too large to install it in my apartment!
Cuschcraft TEN-3: 3 element Yagi, monoband (10M only). A piece of art. Works like a charm!
KO8SCA QSL card:
If you mail me a QSL to my QRZ.com address you get mine in return 100%. No need for IRC or $$$. But, please include SAE to make it easier for me.
All QSLs received via the QSL Bureau are confirmed 100% via the QSL Bureau.
I upload all my QSOs to LoTW so you get the QSO confirmed right away, when you upload yours.
Sorry, no eQSL.
I've got my first ham radio license when I turned 16. Callsigns I used in the past: YO8SCA, KC2FQU
SK6AW.NET DX Cluster:
Time around the world:
Current propagation status:
My QRZ.com page was visited by people from these countries:
Walaa Temraz
Al-Nasser neighborhood - Khalid al-Hassani Street
Israel - Gaza Strip - P.O. Box 1323
QSL: Send QSL Cards by postal mail ( Direct )
Ham MemberLookups: 84554
20150904 1519UTC 14220kHz E41WT Date : 04/Sep/2015 1519UTC Freq : 14220kHz USB Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
ummmm..... weak...weak.., but I can it...readable signal : )
ًWelcome to My Page, I'm Walaa from Palestine. My wife and I are the First active Amateur Radio Operators couple In Palestine, Amateur radio is our passion and we'll do anything to keep Palestine active in this hobby. My XYL Page We Look forward having many QSO's with operators from all over the world.
We receive QSL cardsdirect to our address .
Thanks to our QSL cards printing suporter RUSS " K5OA" (ARRL)Member ID# 2000989219 The (ARRL) Logbook Certificate # 271127 A . R . S Amateur Radio Society Member ID : # 150076 A . A . R Arab Amateur Radio B . A . R . L . S British Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society Member ID# 612 Hawaii QRP Club Member ID# 534 A . R . P . O . C Amateur Radio Portable Operators Club Member ID# 106 Q . R . P Campaign For The Respect Of The QRP Frequencies# 313 D . M . C Member ID : # 07104 E . P . C Member ID: # 23090 C . D . G Member ID# 1403 B . D . M Member ID # 4753 Dx Coffee Expressly for DXers Barivm DX Team Club Italiano Radioamatori Modi Digitali Member ID# 00305 T . R . C Thraiav Rose Club Member ID# 002 C . W . J . F Grupo Juizforano DE CWMember ID # 712 R . C . W . C Russian cw Club Member ID # 912 Radio Club " 72 " # 81 S .S.T .V World Amateur Radio SSTV Club# 773 C . Q . C . W Member ID# 339 Feld Hell Club Member ID # 5078 Flying Pigs QRP Club Member ID# 3608 N . A . Q . C . C North Amearican QRP CW CLUB Member ID# 7916 C . C . A . E European Collins Collector Association Association Européenne des Collectionneurs de Matériels Collins Member ID# 15220 E . C . W . C Essex CW Amateur Radio Club Member ID# 335 S . K . C . C Straight Key Century ClubMember ID # 14188 K . 6 . T . U Propagation for Contest & DX Strategy Q . R . P QRP Club W . W . F . F World Wide Flora And Fauna Club Log Member ID # 1015898 E .R.C Member ID# 1655 eHam.net --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- The First And Only Station From Palestine ON ( Echolink ) E41WT-R ( 144.790/-600Khz )+E41MT --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Palestinian Amateur Radio ThisZello station is a service for radio amateurs in in cases of emergency (Natural Disasters Only ). And its connected to other stations all over the world specialized in working in times of emergencies. The Zello channel is connected to two repeaters, the first on UHF and the second on VHF, each repeater with an antenna working on amateur radio bands. We don't mind any local or regional stations to enter our station with only one condition that its an amateur station specialized in working with of emergency ( Natural Disasters Only ). The channel and station is open for everyone to connect with and any local or regional stations can use our station with only one condition that its an amateur station specialized in working with of emergency ( Natural Disasters Only ) Zello on Vhf RX( 144.190Mhz) - TX ( 144.790Mhz ) Zello on Uhf RX(433.425Mhz ) - TX ( 428.425Mhz )