PA3CWN(Netherlands) on 40m CW!!!
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Lookups: 22192 Ham Member
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20130821 1842UTC 7002.7kHz PA3CWN
Date : 21/Aug/2013 1842UTC
Freq : 7002,7kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Lookups | 22192 (33867) |
QRZ Admin | PA3CWN |
Last Update | 2013-02-06 19:54:51 |
Latitude | 53.326631 (53° 19' 35'' N) |
Longitude | 6.016351 (6° 0' 58'' E) |
Grid Square | JO33ah |
Geo Source | User supplied |
Bearing | 331.7° NNW (from JJ5IZX) |
Distance | 5675.9 mi (9134.5 km) |
Long Path | 19180.9 mi (30868.7 km) |
Sunrise | 04:25:10 UTC |
Sunset | 18:53:22 UTC |
Born | 1965 |
QSL by Mail? | Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?) |
QSL by eQSL? | Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?) |
Uses LOTW? | No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?) |
Admin For | (1) PA3CWN |
Other Callsigns |
Alias | Comment |
PD0NGH | Previous callsign |
Apply for a new Vanity callsign... |
Ham since June 1982 at the age of 17 with my novice callsign PD0NGH.
A year later in 1983, I got the full licence and till today it is PA3CWN.
Enjoying DX on HF ; especially 40 meters and some 6 m and 2m.
I am very active on 40 meters CW and occasionally SSB chasing DX with a Yaesu FT-2000 and so far I worked 295 DXCC on that band of which
275 are confirmed either by paper QSL, Lotw and Eqsl.
I live in a city and don't have too much space around and therefore have to deal with mostly a noisy band caused by QRM from the neighbourhood.
QRM means that reception has degraded and experience learns that I have more often to sent QRZ to the DX compared to the past.
I am sorry for that, but if DX calls; please make a longer call !
With help of 4xPL519 some 400W is used on 40 and 100W on the other HFbands as well as 6m
In 2011 after a 2 years struggle with the authorities, I got permission to erect a Versatower and it carries the good old homemade
12 ele DK7ZB with full elevation capability, but my plans are to minimize 144Mhz because CWEME is nearly gone on that band.
A delta loop is used for 40 meters and dipole on HF and always thinking of improvements for antenna setup.
For a couple of years I have been very active on 144Mhz EME and worked 82 initials in CW with help of 4x9 ele DK7ZB homemade.
Recently I also use a TTL Xtal CW transmitter which is build around a 74LS00 and 74LS03 final and producing only 50mW .
From time to time I am QRV around 7037 +/- with this QRPP transmitter and the delta loop.
Sofar the 1000km barrier has been broken in a qso with Andy 9A3JH and my sigs have been spotted at the OH6BG CW skimmer over a distance of 1300km.
It's not my performance to make this distances. The receiving operator who reads my weak sigs does earn the real credits.
Working QRP and having succes is only possible by the skills of the QSO partner !
Earlier times:
Above two pictures are from my start at the age of 17 at my parents home.
On top the Fuba XC-91c UHF antenna, which reached almost 18 meters up for reception of German TV and I also used it for TV DX because together with the 11 ele 2 meter yagi it was rotatable.
For 2m vertical I used a discone and for the HF bands dipoles were used.
This was my previous setup at my former home from 2006 till 2010.
Homebrew 4 x 9 ele yagi H 18.5dBd with full elevation. Design by DK7ZB
To the right a recent picture of me in action.
QSL POLICY : I send QSL to those who sent a qsl direct or via the buro.
For direct QSL a SAE and enough return postage will do ( a valid IRC is welcome )
In other cases qsl will be send via the buro.
NOTE: I only collect QSL cards from New DXCC countries and therefore it is not
necessary to send your qsl card.
If you drop me an email with the QSO details then a QSL goes out in the next batch.
Since May 2013 I also use LotW.
Because I am still busy putting my paper logs into digital it is possible that QSO's from
early years are not yet available, simply because it has not yet been uploaded.
If you made a qso with me and want to see it confirmed in LotW, then send me an email so
I can give it priority to upload in LotW
I also use eQSL.
JT65: I DO NOT confirm JT65 qso's anymore. After reading ( info and understanding
the true meaning of the DS decoder I got aware of this 'guessing' technique.
Therefore my opinion is that JT65 has no DXCC credibility.
Your lucky if you already posses a card with confirmation of a JT65 qso, because it was before I got
aware of this JT65 DS issue.
Hope to meet you soon on one of the bands !
73 Oene
GDXF member 871