Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ZD7VC(St Helena Island) on 20m RTTY!!

ZD7VC(St Helena Island) on 20m RTTY!!

St Helena Island

セントヘレナSaint Helena)は、南大西洋に浮かぶイギリス領の火山島アフリカ大陸から 2,800 km 離れた孤島で、人口は約4,000人。ナポレオン1世幽閉の地として知られる。
アフリカ大陸西岸より 2,800 km 離れている。ギネスブックによると「地球上で他の陸地から距離が2番目に遠い陸地」とされる(最も遠い陸地はイースター島)。スエズ運河完成まではインド洋に向かう航路上の要衝であり、給水地として用いられた。また、絶海の孤島であることから流刑地として用いられた。

Saint Helena
 (play /ˌsnt həˈlnə/ saynt-hə-lee-nə), named afterSaint Helena of Constantinople, is an island of volcanic origin in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha[3]which also includes Ascension Island and the islands of Tristan da Cunha. Saint Helena measures about 16 by 8 kilometres (10 by 5 mi) and has a population of 4,255 (2008 census).[2]
The island was uninhabited when discovered by the Portuguesein 1502. It is one of the most isolated islands in the world. For centuries, it was an important stopover for ships sailing to Europe from Asia and South Africa. The British also used the island as a place of exile, most notably for Napoleon IDinuzulu kaCetshwayo and more than 5,000 Boer prisoners. Saint Helena is Britain's second oldest remaining colony (now termed overseas territory), after Bermuda.


Radio St Helena, which started operations on Christmas Day 1967, provides a local radio service that has a range of about 100 km from the island, and also broadcasts internationally on Shortwave Radio (11092.5 kHz) on one day a year.[31] The station presents news, features and music in collaboration with its sister newspaper, the St Helena Herald. As of 2012, the station is set to go off the air permanently, giving way to a new three-channel FM station run by the St. Helena Broadcasting Corporation.[32]
Saint FM[33] provides a local radio service for the island which is also available on internet radio[34] and relayed in Ascension Island. The station is not government funded. It was launched in January 2005. It broadcasts news, features and music in collaboration with its sister newspaper, the St Helena Independent.

Radio St HelenaはBCLファンにとっては重要な放送局です。

Radio St Helena 15-12-2007 to Europe


20120815 2054UTC 14089kHz ZD7VC

Date : 15/Aug/2012 0917UTC 
Freq : 14089kHz RTTY
Rig : ICOM IC-7200 
PC recording

Monday, September 10, 2012

HC2/AL1O( Ecuador ) on 20m CW!!

HC2/AL1O( Ecuador ) on 20m CW!!

※ 下記はHC2/AL1Oの運用者DH1TWのDATAを参照しています。

Tobias Wellnitz氏

Albertos great Station with Monoband antennas from 10m to 160m. Usually the group of HD2A operate from the station. If you hear them the next time, give them a call!


HC2/AL1O qrv from Ecuador

 During my stay in Ecuador I was able to operate two days under my US Callsign as HC2/AL1O. Special thanks to my host Alberto, HC2AQ who offered me his shack. Within two days, 1700 QSOs found their way into the log.
 Read on for pictures, online log & QSL information.


During my stay I tried to work on all bands from 10m down to 80m. I had great pileups on 15m and 20m from JA and the US. In the evening I enjoyed very much the operation on 80m CW. During the time of the European sunrise (06:00Z – 08:00Z) I worked EU, NA, JA and ZL at the same time!

Online Log & LoTW

Thanks to everyone who gave me a call. The check your callsign in the online log below. The log will soon be submitted to LOTW as well.
Check out the Log & request your QSL card here

QSL Cards

In case you are interested in a QSL card please request it through the Clublog OQSL system. The more expensive way is to send it to my address. If you can wait, then send it through the buro via my German Callsign DH1TW.

DATAからはHK2AのHome Stationからの運用ですね。


20120819 0758UTC 14001kHz HC2/AL1O


Date : 19/Aug/2012 0758UTC 
Freq : 14001kHz CW 
Rig : ICOM IC-7200 
PC recording


Sunday, September 9, 2012

KH0R(Mariana Is) on 20m CW!!

KH0R(Mariana Is) on 20m CW!!


マリアナ諸島(Mariana Islands)はミクロネシア北西部の列島。東の北西太平洋と西のフィリピン海の境界に位置し、北には小笠原諸島、南にはカロリン諸島がある。南北約800キロメートルに連なる約15の島から構成され、北緯13度から21度、東経144度から146度の間に弧状に広がっている。
南端のグアム島を除く島々を北マリアナ諸島サイパン島より北の島々を北部諸島(Northern Mariana Islands)と呼ぶ。

The Mariana Islands (also the Marianas; up to the early 20th century sometimes calledLadrones Islands, from SpanishIslas de los Ladrones meaning "Islands of Thieves") are an arc-shaped archipelago made up by the summits of fifteen volcanic mountains in the north-westernPacific Ocean between the 12thand 21st parallels north and along the 145th meridian east. They are south of Japan and north of New Guinea, and form the eastern limit of the Philippine Sea. The islands were named after Spanish QueenMariana of Austria in the 17th century, when Spain started the colonization of the archipelago. They form the northern part of the western Pacific subregion ofMicronesia, and are composed of two U.S. jurisdictions: the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and, at the southern end of the chain of islands, the territory of Guam.
The islands are part of a geologic structure known as the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc system, and range in age from 5 million years old in the north to 30 million years old in the south (Guam). The island chain arises as a result of the western edge of the Pacific Plate moving westward and plunging downward below the Mariana plate, a region which is the most volcanically active convergent plate boundary on Earth. This subduction region, just east of the island chain, forms the noted Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the Earth's oceans and lowest part of Earth's crust. In this region, according to geologic theory, water trapped in the extensive faulting of the Pacific Plate as serpentinite, is heated by the higher temperatures of depth during its subduction, and the pressure from the expanding steam results in the hydrothermal activity in the area, and the volcanic activity which formed the Mariana Islands.[1]
Frim Wiki

Clusterに「K50R」? どこだ?
ああ 「KH0R」(Mariana Is)だ。

皆、同じ事を考えるんだね 笑

20120909 1039UTC 14015kHz KH0R

Date : 05/Sep/2012 0917UTC 
Freq : 14050kHz CW 
Rig : ICOM IC-7200 
PC recording