ul. Orlika 27 PRZASNYSZ 06-300 Poland
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20150513 1110UTC 14244kHz SP5ZIM/P
Date : 13/May/2015 1110UTC
Freq : 14244kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
The new project of SP5ZIM - participation in the WFF programm - has just begun.
13 May 2015 Nature Reserve Kałeckie Błota SPFF-1076 NEW ONE
PGA Srokowo EZ06 Loc: tbd
13 May 2015 Nature Reserve Bajory SPFF-1074 NEW ONE
PGA Srokowo EZ06 Loc: tbd
13 May 2015 Nature Reserve Jezioro Siedmiu Wysp SPFF-0741
PGA Srokowo EZ06 Loc: tbd
14 May 2015 Nature Reserve on the Lake Rydzewskie SPFF-1073 NEW ONE
PGA Węgorzewo WG03 Loc: tbd
14 May 2015 Nature Reserve Sztynrot SPFF-0918
PGA Węgorzewo WG03 Loc: tbd
14 May 2015 Nature Reserve Mokre SPFF-1077 NEW ONE
PGA Węgorzewo WG03 Loc: tbd
15 May 2015 Nature Reserve Lake Dobskie SPFF-1075 NEW ONE
PGA Giżycko GK02 Loc:tbd
next tbdFurther information on this project, please see down this page
SP5ZIM podjął się organizacji i przeprowadzenia krajowych zawodów wojskowych w dniu 15 sierpnia 2015 roku dla uczczenia Święta Wojska Polskiego. Regulamin na stronie http://pokazywarka.pl/fxa0zy/
SP5ZIM - Amateur Radio Club ZHP (Polish Scouting and Guiding Association) and Housing Cooperative in Przasnysz exists since 31 December 1985. The founders of the club were: SP5Z ex SP5GRU, SP5BUJ, SP5KD ex SP5DUZ, SP5GKN, SP5IYI, SP5IUK, sk SP5LCJ, SP5X ex SP5MXA (history of the club).PGA: PF01; SPPA: RPF; LOC: KO03KA
SP5KD ex SP5DUZ i pierwszy klubowy TRX FTDX400 Przygotowanie anten do pracy SP5ZIM na stadionie w Przasnyszu
In the past, the club was also a major base for SN0WFF and significant success members of SP5ZIM in 2014 was to take fifth place by SN0WFF in the international competition World Flora & Fauna programm. Now SN0WFF is seperate from the SP5ZIM club (SN0WFF).
SP5ZIM club actively participates in cultural activities of Przasnysz. Recently, in the period from 15 July to 10 August 2014, under theHF100ZIM, commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. Collegues: SP5KD, SP5Z, SP5UUD, SP5BUJ, SP5GKN, SP5X, SP5XSL conducted a 3537 QSOs with the 79 countries of the world, 6 continents (excluding Antarctica).
Karta QSL Praca z rynku miasta. Od lewej Prezes klubu SP5GRU,
Burmistrz Przasnysza Waldemar Trochimiuk, SP5GKN, SP5BUJ
The WFF SP5ZIM activity:
12 May 2015 Natura 2000 Ostoja Nadbużańska SPFF-0606
PGA Somianka YS04 Loc:tbd
12 May 2015 Natura 2000 Dolina Dolnego Bugu SPFF-0589
PGA Somianka YS04 Loc: tbd
10 May 2015 Area of Protected Landscape Napiwodzko-Ramuckiej Forest SPFF-0992
PGA Pasym YN04 Loc: tbd
9 May 2015 Nature Reserve Jezioro Kośno SPFF-0838
PGA Pasym YN04 or PGA Purda OL10 Loc: tbd
6 May 2015 Nature Reserve Kózki SPFF-1039 NEW ONE
PGA Sarnaki OC05 Loc: tbd
6 May 2015 Nature Reserve Sokóle SPFF-0685 NEW ONE
PGA Nurzec-Stacja SM07 Loc: tbd
3 May 2015 Nature Reserve Podgórze SPFF-0879
PGA Kadzidło OR05 Loc: tbd
3 May 2015 Spychowski Protected Landscape Area SPFF-0840
PGA Świętajno YN07 Loc: tbd
3 May 2015 Nature Reserve Pupy SPFF-0351
PGA Świętajno YN07 Loc: tbd
2 May 2015 Mazury Lanscape Park SPFF-0062
PGA Piecki MR04 Loc: tbd
2 May 2015 Nature Reserve Królewska Sosna SPFF-0452
PGA Piecki MR04 Loc: tbd
2 May 2015 Nature Reserve Czaplisko Ławny Lasek SPFF-0449
PGA Piecki MR04 Loc: tbd
1 May 2015 Protected Lanscape Area Coatings MPK-Kierwik SPFF-1072
PGA Świętajno YN01 Loc: tbd
1 May 2015 Nature Reserve Jezioro Nidzkie SPFF-0839
PGA Ruciane-Nida PQ04 Loc: tbd
1 May 2015 Nature Reserve Czarnia SPFF-0811
PGA Czarnia OR02 Loc: tbd
1 May 2015 Nature Reserve Surowe SPFF-0878
PGA Czarnia OR02 Loc: tbd
29 April 2015 Nature Reserve Wieliszewskie Łęgi SPFF-0948
PGA Nieporęt NW03 Loc: KO02ll
28 April 2015 Natura 2000 Valey of Środkowa Wisła SPFF-0459
PGA Warszawa WM01 Loc: KO02li
27 April 2015 Nature Reserve Ławice Kiełpińskie SPFF-0953
PGA Warszawa WM01 Loc: KO02li
25 April 2015 Area of Protected Landscape Valey of River Nida & Szkotówka SPFF-1083
PGA Iłowo-Osada DA03 Loc: KO03df
25 Apri 2015 Nature Reserve Świńskie Bagno SPFF - 1085
PGA Iłowo-Osada DA03 Loc: KO02ef
24 April 2015 Warszawski Region of Protected Landscape SPFF-0959
PGA Prażmów PA05 Loc: KO10mx
24 April 2015 Nature Reserve Łachy Brzeskie SPFF-0967
PGA Góra Kalwaria PA01 Loc: KO02oa
21 April 2015 Nature Reserve Wąwóz Szaniawskiego SPFF-0877
PGA Serock NW04 Loc: KO02ml
20-22 April 2015 Region of Protected Landscape Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego SPFF-0993
PGA Pasym YN04 Loc: KO03kp
19 April 2015 Nature Reserve Kępy Kazuńskie SPFF-0954
PGA Jabłonna NW02 Loc: KO02jj
18 April 2015 Warszawski Region of Protected Landscape SPFF-0959
PGA Pomiechówek ND05 Loc: KO02im
18 April 2015 Nature Reserve Sołtysek SPFF-1082
PGA Pasym YN04 Loc:KO03jo
17 April 2015 Nature Reserve Rosochacz SPFF-0758 NEW ONE
PGA Brody SH02 Loc:KO01ob
16 April 2015 Nature Reserve Skały w Krynkach SPFF-0835 NEW ONE
PGA Brody SH02 Loc:KO01oa
14 April 2015 Zieluńsko-Rzęgnowski Region of Protected Landscape SPFF - 1038
PGA Dzierzgowo MA02 Loc:KO03ic
13 April 2015 Krośnicko-Kosmowski Region of Protected Landscape SPFF-0876
PGA Czernice Borowe PF03 Loc: KO02jx
11 April 2015 Nature & Landscape Area of Valey River Łydynia SPFF-1045 NEW ONE
9 April 2015 Nature Reserve Zwierzyniec SPFF-0813
PGA Krasnosielc MM04 Loc: KO03na
9 April 2015 Nature Reserve Lekowo SPFF-0882
PGA Regimin CI08 Loc: KO02fw
73, 44, CZUWAJ !
1959855 Last modified: 2015-05-12 21:17:42, 38992 bytes