SV8/DL8MCA(Greece) on 20m USB!!!

Detlef ( Dick) Haese
P.O. BOX 157
GR-37002 Skiathos Island
Email: Use mouse to view..
Subscriber Lookups: 84835
20140610 0738UTC 14270kHz SV8/DL8MCA
Date : 10/Jun/2014 0738UTC
Freq : 14270kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording

Klar hab ich zugenommen, ich wog mal 3500 Gramm !!!
Of course, I've gained weight, there was a time when I weighed 3500 grams !!!
Skiathos - EU-072 - KM19rd
XYL = Anna SV8/DL4MHB----------------- Son = Ralf DG1MCG
2.QTH = Munich / Bavaria
My QTH is the small Island Skiathos EU-072 & LH-4177- GRE-137 on the northern Sporades(Greece).
EchoLink: Germany > Single-User (# 4176)
Echolink: Greece > Sysop.(# 2472), 144.975 MHz
10-10 # 55528
QSL via the bureau ---> no e-QSL!
Please note that direct cards without sufficient fundsor SAE will be answered via the bureau!
Postage rates are:
2 US $ for letters outside of Europe.
NO IRC's PLEASE!!! Our post office do not accept them
Explanation for on photo of the small chapel.
It is a Greek-Orthodox Tradition that every house and the land it is built on are dedicated to a Saint for protection of
land house and the people living in it, respectively the owners .
erected this small chapel with an icon-picture of the Saint Nektarios for prayers along the pathway
qsl motives we have sent







My Hobby Nr. 2
Hurdy Gurdy Man


We have no problems with the euro, we have our island money!
I like fly fishing
Huchen 30,5 Kg (141cm) 2003. Jan.08 Inn - River nr. Rosenheim/Bavaria
Neffe Robert
Technical data:
Length: 6.45 m
Width: 2.50 m
Installation tank: 480 l
Engine: Honda BF150 150PS
Honda BF35 35PS
GPS - Fish Finder - radio - Auto-control
Sea & freshwater tank for bait
ice bucket
Three deep-sea fishing - 650mtr. braided line
1 Schepp Angel 1500mtr. line (1.7 mm)
White tuna
> 45 kilograms >110 centimeters
"Air transport squadron LTG61"
Nord Aviation N 2501D Noratlas
lighthouses here in northern Sporades
Repi--LH-- GRE-137 -- NAS 080 ++Skiathos Isl. EU072++
Gourouni--LH--GRE-071--NAS 076 ++Skopelos Isl. EU072++
Pontikonisi--EU060 -- LH-GRE-110 -- NAS 087++Pontikonisi EU060++
Psathoura -- EU072-- LH-GRE-029-- NAS 057
Agios Ioannis EU072 -- NAS 055 --
Church of MAMMA MIA Movie
2009, the film Mamma Mia was filmed on Skiathos and Skopelos.
Harvest Festival
by Anna, SV8/DL4MHB
harvest festival had always been a special celebration for me and I
celebrated it, no matter where I was at this very day.This year I like
to combine it with a picnic here on Skiathos Island for the first time.
Detlef is alsovery pleased of my idea. We will go the mountainous area
of the island for this occasion. Anticipation has already been great,
but today my calendar finally says:
"October Sunday, harvest festival!"
have already put the basket on the table, beautifully arranged with all
the fruits that are typical for the island like pomegranates,figs,
quinces, grapes, lemons, oranges, eggplants, green peppers and so on.
We carefully paid attention to get really one of the best fruit for this
celebration. Olives may not be missing in any case. My Greek neighbour
kindly brought to me several ones that had already been pickled by her.
This years, olives are especially suitable for doing so, being almost as
big as plums due to the reatively frequent rain. I roughly crumble
sheep's milk cheese with herbs (feta) and sprinkle it with a few drops
of olive oil. We take it with us in a bowl. I will dress the salad
consisting of big, fleshy tomatoes covered with onion rings only
directly before our meal starts so that it remains crunchy. So I must
not forget salt, pepper-mill, balsamico, good olive oil of course of
Skiathos! The rosemary chicken (Detlef asked me to cook it) is still in
the oven and its smell fills the whole kitchen. I take it out and pack
it into aluminium foil. Oh dear, the pitas (little round flat loafs made
of wheat) still must be baked. Everything is extremely exciting! The
beverages are also still in the refrigerator! We have allowed courselves
an extra good bottle of Greed red wine for this occasion. Retsina
(resin wine), ouzo (anise schnapps) and of course we will also take
mineral water with us, you never know! Detlef is just bringing me a
freshly cut rose from our rose bush and lays it beside the basket. But
there it would fade and i prefer to put it in a glass. Finally,
everything is stowed away in our jeep and we are ready to go! It's not
easy to find the right way to the little chapel which is situated highly
in the mountains and where we want to hold our picnic. We had been
there only once before and that was a long time ago! We miss the way
several times, but that does no harm to our cheerful mood. I enjoy the
trip! The island is pretty green at the moment. We can see swarms of
miscellaneous butterflies. From time to time we are greeted by a single
delicate blue Wegwarte.

the dusty wayside. I really love this modest flower and return its
greeting with a smile.Besides that, a kind of lily which blooms in
yellow and is named Asphodeline,
prevails and exudes a bewitching smell everywhere. Suddenly an old,
wheather-beaten wooden signpost! It is hard for me to decipher the Greek
letters "Agios Nikolaios". That's exactly where we wanna go and shortly
afterwards we reached our destination. A marvellous place! An old Greek
oak is in the front court of the very little chapel. It protects the
long, stone-built table with its far reaching branches. We also find a
spring there. The place is surrounded by wild herbs like sage, rosemary
and laurel. Midget cyclamen flourish and next to them at their lower
side you can find a little olive grove. As we feel good there, we decide
to stay! It looks like nobody had been here for a longer period of time
and therefore, we have to set things right again first of all. A broom
is found in a second with which the table is swept clean immediately.
Empty bottles standing around are cleared away. We take a glance inside
the little chapel and are sure that we are allowed to borrow two of the
chairs stacked in the anteroom for our purpose. Nice Greek chairs,
painted in pale grey. Now we can start! I fetch the green tablecloth
seasonable for the harvest festival and lay it on the table. My
corn-colored plates match well to it. Detlef is already busy with
opening the red wine and filling it into a jug so that its "bouquet" can
unfold in the meantime. I complete our fresh fruit basket with the
herbs growing here and put all food brought along on the table.

we would begin with our meal now. But today, with respect to the
harvest festival, I thought out a special ritual, the realization of
which is really a big desire from my side. Following the "Sun Song" of
the holyFranziskus
(my favourite saint), upright I stand and say "thank you" to our Mother
Earth, Sister Water, Brother Wind and the great power Sun for all the
wonderful gifts offered to us every year. I am so deeply moved that
tears run over my cheeks while I am speaking. Also Detlef can't hide his
emotions, he neither had celebrated harvest in such a manner so far. I
cannot say how it happened, is it due to this place or to the
surroundings, but suddenly I feel strongly authorized to even bless our
food personally! While doing so, I was in complete harmony with God, the
nature and ourselves...

a reaxed mood, we then start to "feast". Detlef pours the ruby red wine
into glasses and while clinking glasses we look into each other's eyes
deeply. "Jamas!" Once again I become aware of how much I love my
husband! We eat slowly and with relish. It tastes wonderful! For
dessert, we have vitamin C containing pomegranates and fresh fias rich
of nutritious iron which are a great joy, simply delicious! If somebody
had strolled along, we would have invited him to dine with us, of
course. Just in case, I had brought along some paper plates. But we
stayed alone. Nevertheless, we have visitors of another kind. Afeathered
singer, identified as a robin by Detlef the bird expert, pleases us
with its almost inexhaustible repertoire during the whole picnic. I send
it a tender thankful greeting up into the thick tree-top and I am
almost sure that upon that I can clearly hear its singing still getting
even better. Also a hornet hums by without taking notice of us, seemed
as if it had better things to do. Dragon-flies buzz to a nearby
streamlet and we can well watch them. From time to time, the sun appears
through the branches and even underlines the peaceful atmosphere of
this place!

meal, Detlef suggests it would be a good time to take an ouzo. It shows
its effect soon and, gladly and in high spirits like children, we begin
to dance something like a Sirtaki around the tree and table.
Unfortunately, we still do not know how to do this nice dance correctly.
How wonderful life is! A bit out of breath, we sit down on the white
white-washed small wall which surrounds every little chapel in such
height with our glasses of wine. The sea today looks rather bluish-grey
on this late autumn afternoon. Pretty fascinated we watch the flight
arts of the peregrine falcons which have found a hiding place in the
cliffs lyingopposite to us. How wonderful to watch them almost dropping
down onto the surface of the sea in a nose dive and then using the
thermionics of the upwinds to float up into the air again. All that just
out of pure zest for life! How much could mankind learn from birds in
this respect. An aphorism of the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore comes
to my mind, saying:
"God respects me, when i work, but he loves me when I sing!"
I like these words very much and they fit to the surroundings here somehow...
eleted and relieved, we finally have to bring ourselves to leave this
place, but the days here on Skiathos are now already short and our way
home mainly leads though difficult terrain. We put the chairs back.
Inside the chapel I notice that exclusively pure beeswax candles are
used. How fine that smells! Once more we express our thanks for the use
of the place and leave everything cleanly and properly. Although we are
rattled and shaked, we return to our house happily. While unpacking, I
am wondering how I will integrate the leftovers of the picnic into the
menu of the coming few days. Just in that moment an anxious thought
arises in me: The end of the holidays isn't far away. I urge myself to
discipline: " Anna, don't worry about that, you want to enjoy the very
moment!" I breathe deeply, take a nice white satin ribbon with which I
bind the consecrated herbs to a little bunch and hang it outside to dry.
I will take it home with me to Germany as a visible memory of this
beautiful day on Skiathos!

Autumn excursion on Skiathos
by Anna, SV8/DL4MHB
wonderful autumn day! Today we decided not to go to the sea. Today,
Detlef and I want to make another excursion to the hilly interior of the
island on our Piaggio scooter. We have been looking forward to it for a
long period of time! Our destination is a small church in the north of
the island situated on steep rocks. We noticed it already from the
distance on our last holidays.
for a short time we ride on tarred streets and then move on on bumpy,
red sandy little roads. The route we take is lined by vineyards fully
loaded, small lemon and orange trees, quinces and red cheeky
pomegranates smile at us seductively. We meet hardly anybody. How we
enjoy this! Away from zivilisation, immerse into almost untouched
nature, feel the airstream and be full of expectations on what will
happen next. Suddenly a shimmering pheasant appears in front of us which
quickly hides into the next bushes. Our trip now mainly leads us
through silvery shining olive groves interrupted only by little rock
shacks with red tiled roofs which are used for overnight stays during
the olive harvest in remote areas.
heart always opens very widely on the sight of olive trees! It is
called the tree of peace, you simply must feel well there! Beyond, it
gives us this marvellous golden oil in which the sun is captured.
and more we spiral up, until we have to park our scooter at a little
parking lot as we can only continue on foot. We can already see the
chapel. A narrow rather steep path leads to the peak. It is paved in
serpentine manner by stone walls which I do love that much! They were
built in laborious manual work a long time ago to avoid sea wind
carrying away the earth. Spicy herbs, which I rub between my fingers to
be able to smell their taste even better, grow out of the cracks
cyclamen in pink colours plenty of which can be found during this
season harmonise well with the grey rocks. Carefully we walk step by
step. We hardly speak with each other, just want to absorb everything!
blue, already almost ripe olives hang on the young little trees at the
height of our faces. I thought over who will reap them over here? I this
moment a part of Hebbel's " Herbstgedicht " ( Autumn poem ) came to my
mind: " Oh, stoert sie nicht, die Feier der Natur, dies ist die Lese die sie selber haelt...." (
Don't you disturb the celebration of the nature, this is the gathering
made by itself..." ) A hare, obviously roused by us from digging a hole,
flees panic-stricken. It wouldn't need to be afraid of us at all!
approximately 20 minutes we have reached our destination and are
overwhelmed by the offered view, but, nevertheless, we want to take a
look at the church inside first. Churches are never locked up on
Skiathos. A pleasant coolness surrounds us. I take a seat on the wooden
pews at the side to have the chance to regard everything very calmly.
Detlef does not hesitate a second to light a candle related with an
unspoken wish which I, however, know for sure. Then he searches for joss
sticks ( Raeucherstaebchen ) which he kindles in the front in a vessel
specially constructed for that purpose. A mystic smell rises into the
vault. So even more spiritual atmosphere arises from which even Detlef
who is the realist of both of us cannot escape. It seems as if you hear
melancholy Greek Orthodox songs.

mysterious icons which are there in large numbers seem to wahe up for
life. Only scanty light gets through the windows and I watch a small
Gekko disappearing in a gap behind an icon. What a fantastic place of
living! I don't know how long we kept on sitting here that way. Just
when we want to leave the chapel, I realize a broom and sweep the faded
leaves from the smooth stone floor and it occurs to me as if have done
so my whole life just like an old female sacristan. Rather strange!
deposits a generous euro donation and we step into the open. Dazzled by
the sunlight, we at first sit down on the whitewashed little wall which
surrounds half of the church. In front of us, the cliffs drop steeply
and the blue of the sky vies with the blue of the Aegean. We let our
gazes wander far over the Sea. A lovely place! Greedy for the salty sea
air, we take a deep breath of it. There is nothing to hear besides the
muffled roar of the sea and the chirping of hundreds of cicadas. Again
we completely dedicate ourselves to the moment. Here everything is
touched, your soul, all your senses, here you really live, here you can
concentrate on your own, on life as it is...
The shrill yell of a peregrine falcon rouses us from our absorption and gives us the sign to leave.
On the silent trip back to our house, both of us have a smile on our lips and a strange gleam in our eyes.
will live on this excursion again for a long time and our decision to
spend a certain period of our lives on Skiathos was once more
In the Olive Grove
by Anna SV8/DL4MHB
heart beat heavily, when I hesitatingly stepped into the olive grove
which houses the oldest and most striking olive trees of Skiathos Island
in my opinion.
often did I already pass them by on my trip to the " Asselinos beach ",
took a look at my dear olive trees full of deep respect in their
loftiness. Only by this visual impression I was always very refreshed
Today, time had come!
wanted to ask them, whether they would allow me to capture them on
celluloid to heat me up inwardly when looking at the photos during the
cold winter months far away from Greece. Detlef who brought me here in
his jeep, left me tactfully alone with my " brothers " and waited for me
on the roadside in the shadow.
where I stood now! After a short reflection, I strode over elastic
earth like on clouds in the middle of the grove. Shimmering heat! From
time to time an olive fell to the ground and caused a pleasant noise.
Surrounded by so many old olive trees, I felt an enormous strength and
energy. Where should I begin totake a photograph? They stood there
marvellously with their gnarled, meaningful trunks .Namens as
the " Wise one ", the " Majestic one ",
the " Spelled one ", the " one flooted with Light ".
occurred to me immediately. I heard them whispering:
" Come to me ! " .
............" Take me ! " 
in trance, I was flying from one tree to the next trying to capture
them as good as possible. I felt infinitely well in doing so! Why my
reation to the olive tree is so hearty, is a matter of his symbolism,
its longevity and vitality. The history of mankind is accompanied by the
olive from the very first beginning.
Already Homer has sung of it and it is mentioned in ancient documents.
Let alone his unique fruit with its versatile use. The sun-filled,
Mediterranean region wouldn't be conceivable without it.-- Gratitude
flows though me regarding this marvellous gift of our Creator.
would have been a great pleasure for me to spend even more time inside
this wonderful olive grove. But in this moment I heard the dog of a
house nearby barking and thought of the owner of the grove who could
come over at any time irritated by my at least a little strange
behaviour. So I decided to leave the grove with a heavy heart. Again and
again I turned round. " Thanks my familiar fellows, next yaer we will
see each other again! "
I came back to Detlef, I expressed my gratefulness for his patience. We
drove on to the beach where our children already waited for us. Still
deeply moved, I told them from my experience. Willingly they listened to
me. But the one who seemed to understand me best was my grandson Julian
4 years old. He took my hand and in a spiritual harmony we hiked along
the beach together, searched for downy seagull feathers and had them
blown by the wind into the deep blue sky. Both of us were very happy in
this moment....
Special notice for "digimodes" fans:
1. Please, try to be brief - I really do not need a plenty data about your age, HAM Clubs membership, equipment, antennas etc.
- just RST, Name,QTH and QTH-locator.
2. Please, try to use codes, for example, I expect to receive just "TNX" instead of wasting time to get wholly spelled phrases.
3. I strongly believe that "73!" means everything like "good health", "good luck" and other things like that.

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1006361 Last modified: 2014-06-09 09:08:12, 53461 bytes