CN2OS(Morocco) on 20m USB-2!!!
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Jos A Spijkstra
Camping atlantica imourane
[+] Mailing label
Lookups: 27375
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: QSL VIA PD0JOS / BUREAU / |
0130112 0758UTC 14248kHz CN2OS
Date : 12/Jan/2013 0758UTC
Freq : 14248kHz USB
ANT : Micro-Whip
PC recording
Hello you all Hamradio friends , now i am going to work for myself under my own callsign CN2OS and try too work as much as possibble .
hope too meet on several bands with my new antenna,s . i will have also a new QSO Card for 2013. later on i will show this in my
friendley regards Jos PD0JOS /CN2OS .
I will be for 6 month,s in afrika, Marokko.And stay on one place near Agadir , hope too hear you soon on the band . i will work on every band except 80 mtr because i don,t have pleace enough for this antenna .
wish you all good dx in 2012/2013 friendly regards Jos 73.
My name is Jos and together with my wife and 4 small dogg´s plus canarie on holliday during the winter time .
I am now for 10 years during the winter in Marocco, this is the first year i bring my equipment with me.
this is also the first time i have a license Marocaine thanks to my friends in Marocco , ON4LO and CN8VO they helped my very good with my license.
Thanks Frans and Abdou,for the greath help you both give me .
My working conditions in Marocco are , a self made Dipolehome wire antenne . a wire 10 meters high upon a fishingrod , and 6 ground plane wire´s of 10 meters -
I also have a small mobile antenne called outbaker 3000 for many bands , this is my mobile antenne.
The pleasure for me is making a lot of nice friends over the world. with my ham radio hobby. hope to speak you soon .
i like to make as many as possible contact over the whole world.
my home during the winter is agadir i stay in my mobile home near the beach , about 75 meters from the ocean,
friendly regards and 73 PD0JOS /CN2OS
My home made antenne fishrod 11meters 1 wire up 10 mtr,, 6 ground radials also 10 mtr!!
Lookups | 27375 (34417) |
QRZ Admin | PD0JOS |
Last Update | 2011-11-17 20:11:17 |
Latitude | 30.509722 (30° 30' 34'' N) |
Longitude | -9.687469 (9° 41' 14'' W) |
Grid Square | IM50dm |
Geo Source | User supplied |
Bearing | 327.8° NNW (from JJ5IZX) |
Distance | 7417.3 mi (11937.0 km) |
Long Path | 17439.5 mi (28066.2 km) |
Sunrise | 07:36:09 UTC |
Sunset | 17:49:38 UTC |
ITU Zone | 37 |
CQ Zone | 33 |
Born | 1954 |
Web Page | |
QSL by Mail? | Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?) |
QSL by eQSL? | Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?) |
Uses LOTW? | No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?) |
Callsigns |
Alias | Comment |
PD0JOS | my home call is PD0JOS |
Apply for a new Vanity callsign... |