XQ7UP ( XR3Y )
P.O. BOX 27194 SANTIAGO Chile [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 33642 Ham Member
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20130112 0533UTC 14069.7kHz XR3Y
Date : 12/Jan/2013 0533UTC
Freq : 14204kHz BPSK31
ANT : Micro-Whip
PC recording
XR3Y - Contest Call
I will operate XR3Y callsign all 2013. Logs will be periodical uploded to LoTW. Paper QSL card will be answered at the end of the year, so please be patience.
On December 14th 2012,I don't have QSL cards pending for delivery, thanks for your patience.
All logs has been uploaded to LoTW, eQSL and Clublog. If you haven't received credit send me a note.
Note that I use separated logs for every operation so consider this when uploading to LoTW.
For QSL Card Card
- Direct (Include SASE).
- Bureau.
- SWL reports are welcome.
- LoTW (Weekly upload).
- eQSL.
All QSL cards are welcome for different awards and my collection, of course. I promote sending paper QSL Card, so if you contact me, send me your paper QSL Card, I'll really apreciate it. I don't want to this tradition be lost in hams.
Wanted CQ Zones: 2 - 22 -28 - 29
Wanted U.S. States for WAS Award:
- WAS Basic: Complete
- WAS 10M: Complete
- WAS Phone: Complete
- WAS Digital: DE - VT
I am also operator and QSL manager of CE3PCG, 3G200PCG, CB3C, CE3W & CE7CYH. If you appear in the list of delivered QSL cards and you haven't received it, please send me an email. All contacts will be uploaded to LoTW for Awards.
Digital Club Membership
- EPC # 16707
- DMC # 05249
Antena Setup @ Santiago (Dipole Antenna for 10 m with extensionwirefor 12 & 15 m)
I am actually working on 10 meter band. My working conditions are ICOM IC-706MKIIg, Dipole Antena and Homemade Interface. This is due to the short space in my apartment.
Antena Setup @ Coyhaique (Palombo for 10 -15 & 20 m - 5 Element Monoband for 10 m - Dipoles for 40 & 80 m)
About Chilean Callsigns
In Chile we have 4 categories of amateur radio licenses which I detail below with their privileges.
- Applicant: The prefix is CD-NNNN where NNNNis a sequential number. They can operate in the 80, 40 and 10 meters + VHF bands.
- Novice: The prefixis CA and can operate in the bands 80, 40 and 10 meters + V / UHF bands.
- General: The prefix is CE and can operate all bands and modes.
- Superior: The prefix is XQ and can operate all bands and modes.
- Special: The prefix are 3G and XR.
If you hear a ham Applicant class, please call him.
About Me
I got my first license in 1993 and it was CE7SYA when I was only 16 years old. In august 1995 I got my General class license and It changed to the callsing CE7UP in november 1995. CE7UP was the callsing of my father until 1995 (SK). In 2004, I changed to Superior Class License and I my callsing changed (again) to XQ7UP. I have been operator of CE6O (Special Call for Federachi's Contest), XR6CLJ (Special Call), XR37HT (Special Call), CE6M (Mocha Island Lighthouse DX'Pedition), CE6N (Niebla II Lighthouse Activation), XR7F (Frutillar Lighthouse Activation), XR5L (Santa Maria Island Lighthouse DX'Pedition) and XR2A (Punta Angeles Lighthouse Activation). I am also member of Austral University of Chile Amateur Radio Club (CE6CLJ - Honnor Member), The Three Stars DX Group, Radio Club de Chile (CE3AA), Radio Club De Los Rios (CE6RCR - Founder Member), Radio Club Coyhaique Aliro Asenjo (CE7CYH), Radio Club Direccion General de Aeronautica Civil (CE3RAC) and Chilean Pacific DX Group (CE3PCG - Founder Member). My preference is DXing.
** Me and my baby.
* My Father and Me at home when I was about 5 years old. * Me at CE3AA, Radio Club of Chile.
Contests & Awards
DXCC Awards are dedicated in memory of my father.
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