Saturday, December 8, 2012

VK3GB(Australia) on 20m CW!!!

VK3GB(Australia) on 20m CW!!!

VK3GB Australia flag Australia 
Roy Seabridge
Frankston South, VIC 3199

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Lookups:   9934 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: QSL direct to my home address.

twenty years held the call sign G4SEA my main interest in our hobby was to perfect the art of low angle radiation from a simple vertical radiator. For an amateur I think I reach the limit of deminishing returns when I realised I had over a mile of copper wire burid beneath my garden. At the time I had great fun and success chasing DX.
In 2000 I retired and emigrated to Australia with my wife. For approximatly one year I had the call sign VK3IEA ,however, I was very fortunate in obtaining the call VK3GB in November 2004. I live on top of one of the highest hills in my location and over look Port Philip Bay. I now live on what would be described as a small plot of land 65 ft X 120ft and so have spent many hours trying once again to perfect a good radial/earth mat system. I spend most of my time on 40 metres CW but spend some time ragchewing on ssb.

20121208 0915UTC 140222.9kHz VK3GB
Date : 08/Dec/2012 0915UTC 
Freq : 14022.9kHz CW 
PC recording

CT1EWX(Portugal) on 20m CW!!!

CT1EWX(Portugal) on 20m CW!!!

CT1EWX Portugal flag Portugal SERGIO LOPES
estrada nacional 125, n.186, 2dto
8700-142 Olhao

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Lookups:   23715 Ham Member

20121208 0803UTC 14025kHz CT1EWX

Date : 08/Dec/2012 0803UTC 
Freq : 14025kHz CW
PC recording

Hello, My name is Sergio Lopes, I`m in South of Portugal,Algarve

is my region.

My Music, I love this, beautiful



MY new antenna HY-Gain DB1217, on the tower, August 2012, thank`s to my son Pedro ewx junior, my wife Luisa, an












Slow time "Radio National da Amazonia" at 11780kHz AM

Slow time "Radio National da Amazonia" at 11780kHz AM

20121208 0651UTC 11780kHz RN da Amazonia
Date : 08/Dec/2012 0651UTC 
Freq : 11780kHz AM 
ANT : LOOP(for 20m..not enough gain)
PC recording

Brasília (Portuguese pronunciation: [bɾɐˈzilɪɐ] nationwide, in both colloquial and educated speech) is thefederal capital of Brazil and the seat of government of the Federal District. The name is commonly spelled Brasilia in English. Administratively the city is located in the Federal District, which is in theCentral-West Region. Physically it is located in the Brazilian Highlands. It has a population of about 2,562,963 (3,716,996 in the metropolitan area) as of the 2008 IBGE estimate, making it the fourth largest city in Brazil. However, as a metropolitan area, it ranks lower at sixth. It is listed as a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site. Brasilia is the largest city in the world that did not exist at the beginning of the 20th century.
Brasília has the 5th largest GDP among Latin American cities [1], and the 3rd in Brazil. [2] Its GDP per capita is by far the highest among the larger Latin American cities, at a high - for Latin American standards - average of around US $30,000.
As the national capital, Brasília is the seat of all three branches of the federal government of Brazil. The city also hosts the headquarters of many Brazilian companies. Planning policies such as the location of residential buildings around expansive urban areas, as well as building the city around large avenues and dividing it into sectors, have sparked a debate and reflection on life in big cities in the 20th century. The city's design divides it into numbered blocks as well as sectors for specified activities, such as the Hotel Sector, the Banking Sector or the Embassy Sector. Brasília hosts 124 foreignembassies.[3]
The city was planned and developed in 1956 with Lúcio Costa as the principal urban planner andOscar Niemeyer as the principal architect. On April 22 of 1960, it formally became Brazil's national capital. Viewed from above, the main portion of the city resembles an airplane or a butterfly.[4][5] The city is commonly referred to as Capital Federal, or simply BSB.[6] Residents of Brasília are known asbrasilienses or candangos (the latter referring to those not born in the city, but migrated there when the city was established).
In local usage, the word "Brasília" usually refers only to the First Administrative Region within theFederal District (Distrito Federal), where the most important government buildings are located. Brasília has a unique status in Brazil, as it is an administrative division rather than a legal municipality like nearly all cities in Brazil. Nationally, the term is almost always used synonymously with the Federal District, which constitutes an indivisible Federative Unit, analogous to a state. There are several "satellite cities," which are also part of the Federal District.
Brasília International Airport is the main airport in Brasília, connecting the capital to all major Brazilian cities and many international destinations. It is the third most important airport in Brazil, in terms of passengers and aircraft movements.

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia - OC 11.780 KHz e 6.180KHz

Ouça ao vivo

A Rádio Nacional da Amazônia é um canal de comunicação popular que fortalece o ele entre as comunidades da Amazônia, valorizando e divulgando a diversidade cultural da região. As pautas nascem das demandas da população amazônida por inclusão social..
Inaugurada em 1 de setembro de 1977, a emissora transmite em ondas curtas para a região amazônica, com cobertura de mais da metade do território nacional. Atinge, potencialmente, 60 milhões de habitantes, com um sinal que chega em toda a região norte, além de Maranhão, Piauí, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Goiás e outros estados.
Características da programação:
Integração: no ar das 5h à 0h, a emissora leva informações a moradores/as de áreas rurais, ribeirinhas e fronteiriças, onde outros veículos de comunicação têm dificuldade de acesso. Integra a população da Amazônia Legal a outros estados brasileiros por meio da programação e de mensagens que possibilitam até reencontros entre familiares. Agricultores, professores, pescadores, atendentes, artesãos, estudantes, idosos, comerciantes, quebradeiras de coco são parte de nossos/as ouvintes.
Educação: os programas abordam temas que contribuem para a formação dos/as ouvintes como cidadãos e cidadãs. Muitos dos temas são sugeridos pelos/as ouvintes e atendidos, sempre que possível, pela produção dos programas.
Jornalismo: o Jornal da Amazônia está no ar de segunda à sexta-feira em duas edições. A primeira às 12h20 e a segunda às 18h45 (horários de Brasília). Pelas Ondas Curtas e também via satélite.
Radiodrama: as radionovelas ocupam um espaço privilegiado na história da emissora e no imaginário dos/as ouvintes. Com criatividade e dedicação, exercendo um trabalho de pesquisa temática, a equipe da Rádio faz dramatizações que abordam temas atuais, como a prevenção das queimadas e o combate ao trabalho escravo.
Diversidade: MPB, músicas da Amazônia, cultura indígena, tradição nordestina compõem o conteúdo de nossos programas.
Pan-Amazônia: o Brasil integra a Pan-Amazônia com outros 7 países latino-americanos. Biodiversidade e semelhanças culturais são características da região. A Nacional da Amazônia responde também a este desafio.

K9KU(Larry in WI) on 20m CW!!!

K9KU(Larry in WI) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for K9KU
K9KU USA flag USA Larry R Pfeiffer
N 7290 Shady Lane Dr
Porterfield, WI 54159

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   12293 Ham Member

Many thanks 1st QSO 73's Larry san : )

20121207 2234UTC 14010.5kHz K9KU
Date : 07/Dec/2012 2234UTC 
Freq : 14010.5kHz USB 
PC recording

I was first licensed as WA9JCO in 1963. I lived and operated from N.E. Illinois until 2007. In 2007, my XYL and I retired and moved to N.E. Wisconsin. We built a new home on the Menominee River about 60 miles north of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Menominee River divides Wisconsin from the upper peninsula of Michigan. I really enjoy my retirement here where I can persue my favorite activities. DXing, Fishing and Gardening. In the summer, I spend a lot of time fishing for smallmouth bass on the river with my two sons and friends when they come to visit. The Menominee River is one of the best smallmouth fisheries in the USA. My sons and I always practice "catch and release".

Tea time..AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia at 4319kHz USB!!

Tea time..AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia at 4319kHz USB!!

20121207 2113UTC 4319kHz AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia
Date : 07/Dec/2012 2113UTC 
Freq : 4319kHz USB 
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
ANT : LOOP(for 20m,,not enough gain)
PC recording

Heavy QRN..but Nice music : )..from Indian sea.

The American Forces Network (AFN) is the brand name used by the United States Armed Forces Radio andTelevision Service[1] (AFRTS, commonly pronounced "A-farts")[2][3][4][5] for its entertainment and command internal information networks worldwide. The AFN worldwide radio and television broadcast network serves American service men and women, Department of Defense and other US government civilians and their families stationed at bases overseas, as well as U.S. Navy ships at sea. AFN broadcasts popular American radio and television programs from the major U.S. networks. It is sometimes referred to as the Armed Forces Network. AFRTS, American Forces Network and AFN are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Shortwave (USB)

  • Diego Garcia:
    • 12,579 kHz daytime
    • 4,319 kHz nighttime
  • Guam:
    • 13,362 kHz daytime
    • 5,765 kHz nighttime
  • Key West, Florida: (decommissioned)
    • 12,133.5 kHz day & night
    • 7,811.0 kHz day & night
    • 5,446.5 kHz day & night
  • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (site currently out of service):
    • 10,320 kHz daytime
    • 6,350 kHz nighttime

7Y50I(Algeria) on 40m CW!!!

7Y50I(Algeria) on 40m CW!!!

7Y50I Algeria flag Algeria Special call for 50th anniversary of the Algerian Independence
Amateurs Radio Algériens
QSL via 7X2ARA

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Lookups:   14061

20121207 2032UTC 7014.9kHz 7Y50I
Date : 07/Dec/2012 2032UTC 
Freq : 7014.9kHz CW 
Rig : SDR(PI4THT) 
PC recording

Algeria Listeni/ælˈɪəriə/ (Arabicالجزائر‎, al-Jazā'irFrenchAlgérie), officially the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبيةAl-Jumhūriyyah Al-Jazāʾiriyyah Ad-Dīmuqrāṭiyyah Ash-ShaʿbiyyahFrenchRépublique algérienne démocratique et populaire[note 1]), also formally referred to as the Democratic and Popular Algerian Republic,[13] is a country in the Maghrebregion of Africa. Its capital (and most populous city) is Algiers.
The territory of today's Algeria was the home of many ancient cultures, including Aterian and Capsiancultures. Its area have been ruled by many empires and dynasties, including ancient Numidians, Carthaginians, RomansVandals, Byzantines, Arab Umayyads and Fatimids, and Berber Almohads and later Turkish Ottomans.
Algeria is a semi presidential republic consisting of 48 provinces and 1541 communes. With a population exceeding 37 million, it is the 34th most populated country on earth. Its economy is oil based, suffering from Dutch disease.[citation needed] Sonatrach, the national oil company, is the largest company in Africa. Algeria has the second largest army in Africa and in the arab world, after Egypt, and has Russia and China as strategic allies, and arms furnisher.
With a total area of 2,381,741 square kilometres (919,595 sq mi), Algeria is the tenth-largest country in the world and the largest in Africa, after the secession of South Sudan on the 9th of July 2011 fromSudan, the latter being the former biggest country in Africa.[14] The country is bordered in the northeast by Tunisia, in the east by Libya, in the west by Morocco, in the southwest by Western Sahara,Mauritania, and Mali, in the southeast by Niger, and in the north by the Mediterranean Sea. As of 2012, Algeria has an estimated population of 37.1 million.[5] Algeria is a member of the African Union, theArab LeagueOPEC and the United Nations, and is a founding member of the Arab Maghreb Union.

IS0BSR/IM0(Sardinia) on 40m LSB!!!

IS0BSR/IM0(Sardinia) on 40m LSB!!!

IS0BSR Sardinia flag Sardinia Marco Angioni
Via Gramsci, 36 Quartu Sant'Elena (CA)

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   22721 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA BUREAU OR DIRECT

20121207 2016UTC 7146.5kHz IS0BSR/IM0
Date : 07/Dec/2012 2016UTC 
Freq : 7146.5kHz LSB 
Rig : SDR(PI4THT) 
PC recording

Sardinia (play /sɑrˈdɪniə/ItalianSardegna [sarˈdeɲɲa]SardinianSardigna [sarˈdinja]) is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea (after Sicily and before Cyprus) and an autonomous region ofItaly. The nearest land masses are (clockwise from north) the island of Corsica, the Italian Peninsula,SicilyTunisia and the Balearic Islands.


Topographic map of Sardinia
Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, with an area of 23,821 km². It is situated between 38° 51' and 41° 15' latitude north and 8° 8' and 9° 50' east longitude. To the west of Sardinia is the Sea of Sardinia, a unit of the Mediterranean Sea; to Sardinia's east is the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is also an element of the Mediterranean Sea.[5]
The coasts of Sardinia (1,849 km long) are generally high and rocky, with long, relatively straight stretches of coastline, many outstanding headlands, a few wide, deep bays, rias, many inlets and with various smaller islands off the coast.
The island has an ancient geoformation and, unlike Sicily and the mainland of Italy, is not earthquake-prone. Its rocks date from the Palaeozoic Era (up to 500 million years old). Due to long erosion processes the island's highlands, formed of granite, schist, trachyte, basalt (called "jaras" or "gollei"), sandstone and dolomite limestone (called tonneri or "heels"), average at between 300 to 1,000 metres. The highest peak is Punta La Marmora(1,834 m), part of the Gennargentu Ranges in the centre of the island. Other mountain chains are Monte Limbara(1,362 m) in the northeast, the Chain of Marghine and Goceano (1,259 m) running crosswise for 40 km (25 mi) towards the north, the Monte Albo (1057 metres), the Sette Fratelli Range in the southeast, and the Sulcis Mountains and the Monte Linas (1236 metres). The island's ranges and plateaux are separated by wide alluvial valleys and flatlands, the main ones being the Campidano in the southwest between Oristano and Cagliari and the Nurra in the northwest.
A proportionate graph of Sardinian topography: 13.6% of the island is mountainous, 18.5% is flat, and 67.9% is hilly.
Sardinia has few major rivers, the largest being the Tirso, 151 km (94 mi) long, which flows into the Sea of Sardinia, the Coghinas (115 km) and the Flumendosa (127 km). There are 54 artificial lakes and dams which supply water and electricity. The main ones are Lake Omodeo and Lake Coghinas. The only natural freshwater lake is Lago di Baratz. A number of large, shallow, salt-water lagoons and pools are located along the 1,850 km (1,150 mi) of the coastline.
The island has a typical Mediterranean climate. During the year there are approximately 135 days of sunshine, with a major concentration of rainfall in the winter and autumn, some heavy showers in the spring and snowfalls in the highlands. The average temperature is between 11 to 17 °C (52 to 63 °F).[6] The Mistralfrom the northwest is the dominant wind on and off throughout the year, though it is most prevalent in winter and spring. It can blow quite strongly, but it is usually dry and cool and makes for a sailor's paradise.

HZ1BW(Saudi Arabia) on 40m LSB!!!

HZ1BW(Saudi Arabia) on 40m LSB!!!

HZ1BW Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia Abdullah Saud Al-Otaibi
P.O.Box 54729
Riyadh 11524
Saudi Arabia

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Lookups:   33119 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: DIRECT OR BUREAU ( HZ7C ) NO EQSL / NO UPU

20121207 1959UTC 7160kHz HZ1BW
Date : 07/Dec/2012 1959UTC 
Freq : 7160kHz LSB 
Rig : SDR(PI4THT) 
PC recording

Saudi Arabia (Listeni/ˌsdi əˈrbi.ə/ or Listeni/ˌsɔːd əˈrbi.ə/Arabicالسعودية‎ as-Su‘ūdiyyah or as-Sa‘ūdiyyah), officially known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(Arabicالمملكة العربية السعودية‎ al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Su‘ūdiyyah About this sound Arabic pronunciation), is the largest Arab state in Western Asia by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the second-largest in theArab world (after Algeria). It is bordered by Jordan and Iraq on the north and northeast, KuwaitQatarBahrain and the United Arab Emirates on the east,Oman on the southeast, and Yemen on the south. The Red Sea lies to its west, and the Persian Gulf lies to the east. Saudi Arabia has an area of approximately 2,250,000 km2 (870,000 sq mi), and it has an estimated population of 27 million, of which 9 million are registered foreign expatriates and an estimated 2 million are illegal immigrants. Saudi nationals comprise an estimated 16 million people.[7]
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdul-Aziz bin Saud (known for most of his career as Ibn Saud) in 1932, although the conquests which eventually led to the creation of the Kingdom began in 1902 when he capturedRiyadh, the ancestral home of his family, the House of Saud, referred to in Arabic as Al Saud. The Saudi Arabian government, which has been an absolute monarchy since its inception, refers to its system of government as Islamic. The kingdom is sometimes called "The Land of the Two Holy Mosques" in reference to Al-Masjid al-Haram (in Mecca), and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (in Medina), the two holiest places in Islam.
Saudi Arabia has the world's second largest oil reserves which are concentrated largely in the Eastern Province[8][9] and oil accounts for more than 95% of exports and 70% of government revenue. This facilitates the creation of awelfare state[10] although the share of the non-oil economy is growing recently. It has also the world's sixth largest natural gas reserves.

Name : Abdullah Saud Al-Otaibi

Call : HZ1BW

QSL : P.O.Box 54729

Riyadh 11524

Saudi Arabia

QTH : Muzahmiah / Riyadh Saudi Arabia



Rig : FT-857D Pwr 100 Watt, Icom 706, Pwr 100 Watt, IC-7000, Pwr 100 Watt

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