Wednesday, December 5, 2012

9M2MRS(Malaysia) on 40m CW!!!

9M2MRS(Malaysia) on 40m CW!!!

9M2MRS Malaysia flag Malaysia Richard Smeets

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   66202 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA PA0RRS

20121204 1616UTC 7006kHz 9M2MRS
Date : 04/Dec/2012 1616UTC 
Freq : 7006kHz CW 
ANT : LOOP(for 20m ..not enough gain)
PC recording

got license as DA1IE in Germany,
then moved to Netherlands with callsign pa0rrs (also qrv as PI5PVI)
former qrv as 9M6/PA0RRS from Sabah,
9M6/PA0RRS/8 from Sarawak,
9M6/PA0RRS/2 from Penang isl.
in 2005 i got the callsign changed into 9M2/PAoRRS (QTH Penang isl) and finaly
in 2006 i got a regular callsign 9M2MRS (qth Penang isl, iota as-015).
also been active as yb9/pa0rrs (bali island), vk4srw and ct3/pa0rrs (madeira island) and several European countries
Hobby's: activating dxcc-countries and iota islands
My home call is PA0RRS
Pse do NOT sent direct mail to my Malaysian adress, only via PAoRRS

since january 2011 also qrv in PSK and RTTY
rich pa0rrs / 9m2mrs / vk4srw

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