20220408 TM40AMRA(France) on 30m CW
40 years "AMRA" Association Mosellane des RAdioamateurs
QSL: via F8EFU Buro/Direct
Page managed by F1ULQ Lookups: 2089
Date : 08/Apr/2022 1147UTC
Freq : 10105.9kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
Indicatif spcial pour célébrer les 40 ans de l'Association Mosellane des RadioAmateurs du 2 au 16 avril 2022.
Special callsign for the 40th anniversary of the "Association Mosellane des RadioAmateurs" from april, 2nd to 16th 2022.
visit our website http://www.amra57.org
retouvez nous sur http://www.amra57.org
Next..Big signal station.. :)

(carl) Carlos Wenzel Email: Use mouse to view.. Ham Member Lookups: 8640 | | ![]() |
Quest'anno anche attivo come II1MMI...
This 2021 I'm on air as II1MMI too.....
My Ham Story....
Il mio primo nominativo è stato LU6EON nell'anno 1976 quando avevo 15 anni.......più tardi dovuti a cambi di residenza LU1CJY, AY1CJY, LU4AE, IK2YRA, KD2QKE ora IK1YRA, II1MMI e N4WEN
La mia maggiore attività è in CW , poco Digitale e meno in Fonia. Una volta facevo le mie radio, oggi si trovano ottime apparechiature , economiche e molto efficienti. Mio rig è composto di un FT757. Una semplice canna di pesca e un accordatore sotto il tetto formano la mia antenna HF multibanda. Lo stesso sistema di antenna uso nelle mie scampagnate SOTA e sulla barca a vela ma solo con il HB-1B. Per confermare QSL utilizzo i comodissimi ed immediati sistemi digitali eQSL e LoTW. Grazie per visitare la mia pagina. 73 es DX!
My first licence LU6EON on 1976 when I was 15 years old, then LU1CJY, LU4AE, IK2YRA, KD2QKE, today IK1YRA, II1MMI and N4WEN
Mostly CW activity, now I discover the digital and FT8 mode. Use to made my own tx and antennas, but today becames easier to buy a very efficient rigs, so a FT 757 is confortable sited on my shack, a simple fishing rod with a remote tuner work as antenna for me. I confirm all my QSOs by digital way, eQSL and LoTw (much easier). Thanks for visiting this page. 73 es DX!
Today (from 01-01-2019) I'm using the following antenna, a vertical 11 metres long fiber glass pole on the top of the house, a remote tuner (SG3000) under covered, then a 12 meters coax cable to the rig, tight to the tx a grung tuning device conected to the copper rain water collector and pipes. It's working from 160 to 10. The radiator is a 20 meters copper cable, it goes to the top of the pole and then back to a common point where the radials are, they are 1 (or 2) per band bended around the roof. Its much less noisy than the previuos configuration, an open wire. I'll keep-on testing.
IK1YRA Real time Log
ARI Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
GRT Gruppo Radiotelegrafisti (ik1yra) 1167
GACW Grupo Argentino CW (lu1cjy) 291
GAM Grupo Argentino Morse (lu1cjy) 026
GADX Grupo Argentino de DX (lu4ae) 043
ARPI Asso Radio Piemonte 118
ARMI Ass. Radioam.Marinai Italiani 1487
MF MF-Runde e.V. German Navy 1054
SKCC Straight Key Century Club 21676
RCWC Russia CW Club 1285
ITC Italian Telegraphy Club 002-2020
LIDSCW Less Involved Data Sociaty 420
CWJF CW Juiz Forano 1001
CWops 2866
AGCW 4194
IK1YRA/MM position : www.marinetraffic.com and look for "Roc Nere II"
IK1YRA/MM posizione : www.marinetraffic.com e Cercare "Roc Nere II"
Maritime Radio Day This Year as II1MMI (IK1YRA) CARL "LPL" PACHECO RADIO
The MRD 2021 will take place from 14th April, 12.00 UTC until 15th April , 22.00 UTC
More info http://mrd.sfk-bremen.com/mrd_rules.php
Nano VNA , a cosa serve, come calibrarlo e usarlo correttamente
Qualche Foto....
Grazie a Silvano I2YSB ..... Step-ir 40-6 metri
Antenna commitioning in Syria ...2010.
Some keys....
Home made QSL....
Special shack!!!
Here you can see ..........IK1YRA/MM
CQ SOTA......
Antenna Testing inland Ecuador....
Tiny QRP Rig.....
Phillipins Tower....
TORINO SkyLine....