TU7C Ivory Coast
DXpedition 2017 By F6KOP
Grand Bassam Ivory Coast
QSL: https/tu2017dx.wordpress.com
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20170315 2044UTC 7185kHz TU7C
Date : 15/Mar/2017 2044UTC
Freq : 7185kHz LSB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
Date : 15/Mar/2017 2044UTC
Freq : 7185kHz LSB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
I heard JA5 station!! Nice & Cong : )
Welcome on the TU7C qrz page
F6KOP team will be in Ivory Coast from 9 till 19 march 2017
Our team :
F4AJQ (team leader)
F1ULQ (co-leader) - F2DX (co-leader)
Our Offsite team.
During the Dxpedition, pilots won’t have access to the log, don’t sent them busted call requests
During the Dxpedition, pilots won’t have access to the log, don’t sent them busted call requests
MM0NDX Col Pilot station for non french speaking
F8BJI Jean-Paul Pilot station pour francophones
Follow us on facebook
QSL Route :
Our log will be uploaded as soon as possible on Clublog, due instable internet connection
Log will be uploaded on LOTW / EQSL(AG) / corrections, busted call, after the expedition
QSL Bureau via OQRS or via F1ULQ
* * *
QSL direct via F1ULQ
Jean-Luc Missler F1ULQ
7 Rue de la liberté
57720 Obergailbach
7 Rue de la liberté
57720 Obergailbach
( 3USD required + SAE 114mm X 162mm ) do no send coins pse
You can check your QSO's here
Equipment :
We will have 5 stations
- 1 x CW station
- 2 x SSB Stations
- 1 x Digimodes Station
- 1 x 6m station
The equipment will consist of:
- 2 x Kenwood TS570 for SSB
- 3 x Kenwood TS590 for CW, Digi and 6m
- 4 x Acom 1010 power amplifier
- 1 x Acom 1200S power amplifier
- 1 x HLV500
- 5 x aluminium monoband quarter wave masts for 10/12/15/17/20m each
- 3 x spiderbeam poles monoband quarter wave for 30/40/80m each
- 1 x spiderbeam inverted L for 160m
- 1 x 5 band spiderbeam
- 1 x 6 elements DXbeam antenna for 6m
- Arlan Radiosport headsets
We will use Win-Test software for SSB / CW and N1MM for digimodes
TU7C team wish you good DX, see you on the air soon
Page managed by "chris" F4GTB
Updated : Feb 06, 2017
7967361 Last modified: 2017-03-15 03:42:05, 9109 bytes