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Ham Member Lookups: 17450
20140724 1715UTC 14020kHz OH2KW
Date : 24/Jul/2014 1715UTC
Freq : 14020kHz CW
PC Recording
How strong and nice tone!!! cuagn Best 73's : )
Licenced 1979, and having highest OH ham class (general).
OH2KW is my new "vanity" call since spring 1997. Before that I was OH2BUQ (or OH7BUQ) when we had "districts" still in use in Finland.
My QTH is in Klaukkala, southern Finland, Nurmijärvi County (OHC 224). Its about 30km N-NW of Helsinki center.
HF rigs: TS-990S + JRC JRL-2000F solid state linear amplifier 1KW out and homebrew linear with GU-43B tube for 1kW output.
HF ant: Create 714X antenna for 40m/20/15m (3/4/4 el) at 23mtrs, rotated by Tailtwister II.
HF Ant: Finnish Antenna 2-el yagi for 17/12/10 mtrs, rotated by Yaesu G1000C. Dipoles for 80m and 30m
2m/70cm rig: TS-2000 and (now broken) 1kW 2m amplifier CIRIS TA-201K for 2m and 100W for 70cm. SSB masthead amplifiers.
!!! If you have any info about Ciris TA-201K manufacturer or schematics, please contact me !!!
2m/70cm ant: 2 x 15el / 2 x 29 yagis at 28mtrs, 3el 6m yagi at 11 mtrs.
Acer 8290G and IBM T60 laptops, Turbolog IV log SW, TR4W, Writelog, Winkey USB keyer.

Left mast: 27m with Create 714X beam for 40m/20m/15m (3/4/4 el), 2 x 15el for 2m and 2 x 29el for 70cm.
Right mast: 12m with SA 18/24/28m yagi (2el all band) + 3el 6m yagi
Portable: FT-857D and dipoles, 2.3m whip for mobile.
Motorhome (camper) Fiat Ducato/ Adria Coral S660SL with Yaesu-FT857D and antennas:
- Yaesu ATAS-120A for 40-6m (available also while driving)
- "G8JNJ" 6.5m long broadband GP for 80 -6m (only when camped).
- 2m/70cm whip antenna
2013 June OH2KW/M European tour with camper: OH, DL, OE, I, T7, IS, TK, I, DL, OH. More than 6000km + many ferries, see: http://koti.mbnet.fi/oh2kw/2013.html
2012 June OH2KW/M European tour with camper: OH, ES, YL, LY, SP, OM, HA, YO, YU, LZ, YU, T9, 9A, S5, I, OE, HB0, HB, DL, OK, SP, LY, YL, ES, OH. We made 8500km and I was active from all of these 20 countries on HF.
2013 Autumn we had an Autumn holiday travelling to TA, ZA, 4O and SV. No rigs and QSOs on this trip.
Mobile & APRS in my Toyota Yaris: Kenwood TM-D710E and 2m/70cm band whip, see my location:
Activities outside OH: OH2BUQ/OH0, XX9TKW, LZ1/OH2KW, SV5/OH2KW, SV9/OH2KW, TA4/OH2KW, SO5BUQ, YU/OH2KW, CU2/OH2KW, EA8/OH2KW, ZS1/OH2KW, ZS2/OH2KW, 9H3KW, 5B4/OH2KW and 9K/OH2KW (+ all those countries listed above for motorhome tours 2012 & 2013).
I have also worked from club or private stations in JA, GM, W4 and with handheld on VHF/UHF/repeaters in F, 3A, ON, SM and G.
My sons are also hams: Lauri (OH2GTY) and Joni (OH2FIB).
Chairman of SRAL's Election Committee
Chairman of OH2T club station
73 de Arto, OH2KW
OH2KW is my new "vanity" call since spring 1997. Before that I was OH2BUQ (or OH7BUQ) when we had "districts" still in use in Finland.
My QTH is in Klaukkala, southern Finland, Nurmijärvi County (OHC 224). Its about 30km N-NW of Helsinki center.
HF rigs: TS-990S + JRC JRL-2000F solid state linear amplifier 1KW out and homebrew linear with GU-43B tube for 1kW output.
HF ant: Create 714X antenna for 40m/20/15m (3/4/4 el) at 23mtrs, rotated by Tailtwister II.
HF Ant: Finnish Antenna 2-el yagi for 17/12/10 mtrs, rotated by Yaesu G1000C. Dipoles for 80m and 30m
2m/70cm rig: TS-2000 and (now broken) 1kW 2m amplifier CIRIS TA-201K for 2m and 100W for 70cm. SSB masthead amplifiers.
!!! If you have any info about Ciris TA-201K manufacturer or schematics, please contact me !!!
2m/70cm ant: 2 x 15el / 2 x 29 yagis at 28mtrs, 3el 6m yagi at 11 mtrs.
Acer 8290G and IBM T60 laptops, Turbolog IV log SW, TR4W, Writelog, Winkey USB keyer.
Left mast: 27m with Create 714X beam for 40m/20m/15m (3/4/4 el), 2 x 15el for 2m and 2 x 29el for 70cm.
Right mast: 12m with SA 18/24/28m yagi (2el all band) + 3el 6m yagi
Portable: FT-857D and dipoles, 2.3m whip for mobile.
Motorhome (camper) Fiat Ducato/ Adria Coral S660SL with Yaesu-FT857D and antennas:
- Yaesu ATAS-120A for 40-6m (available also while driving)
- "G8JNJ" 6.5m long broadband GP for 80 -6m (only when camped).
- 2m/70cm whip antenna
2013 June OH2KW/M European tour with camper: OH, DL, OE, I, T7, IS, TK, I, DL, OH. More than 6000km + many ferries, see: http://koti.mbnet.fi/oh2kw/2013.html
2012 June OH2KW/M European tour with camper: OH, ES, YL, LY, SP, OM, HA, YO, YU, LZ, YU, T9, 9A, S5, I, OE, HB0, HB, DL, OK, SP, LY, YL, ES, OH. We made 8500km and I was active from all of these 20 countries on HF.
2013 Autumn we had an Autumn holiday travelling to TA, ZA, 4O and SV. No rigs and QSOs on this trip.
Mobile & APRS in my Toyota Yaris: Kenwood TM-D710E and 2m/70cm band whip, see my location:
Activities outside OH: OH2BUQ/OH0, XX9TKW, LZ1/OH2KW, SV5/OH2KW, SV9/OH2KW, TA4/OH2KW, SO5BUQ, YU/OH2KW, CU2/OH2KW, EA8/OH2KW, ZS1/OH2KW, ZS2/OH2KW, 9H3KW, 5B4/OH2KW and 9K/OH2KW (+ all those countries listed above for motorhome tours 2012 & 2013).
I have also worked from club or private stations in JA, GM, W4 and with handheld on VHF/UHF/repeaters in F, 3A, ON, SM and G.
My sons are also hams: Lauri (OH2GTY) and Joni (OH2FIB).
Chairman of SRAL's Election Committee
Chairman of OH2T club station
73 de Arto, OH2KW
216637 Last modified: 2014-01-05 19:24:48, 4346 bytes
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