Aadu Adok
Jaaniku 11 12013, Tallinn Estonia
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 102551
20140724 1911UTC 14008.8kHz ES1TU
Date : 24/Jul/2014 1911UTC
Freq : 14008.8kHz CW
PC Recording
I work as a software developer (C++, Java). Currently employed by Skype Technologies. My hobbies are traveling, photography, bicycling, electronics and amateur radio.

Station setup - Icom 756p3, Palstar AT1KP antenna tuner, Ameritron AL80B amplifier.

Station is powered by Astron RS35A power supply.

CW from my shack comes from a fabulous Begali Sculpture paddle

Streetview of my homebrew 17m band moxon 48ft (14.8m) up

Same 17m moxon from different angle.

February 2012. 12m moxon and 4el LFA for 6m.

August 2012. My flagship moxon - 20m. Great tool for those summer morning W6, W7 openings.

October 2012. Our first snow and my new 15m moxon, 3el yagi for 10m, fixed towards Japan.

Amateur radio equipment in Europe is ridiculously expensive. It's a lot cheaper to get plane tickets and buy your stuff from USA.
I have bought all my station equipment from Ham Radio Outlet. I highly recommend this place. Very nice staff.
It took me two trips (one to Delaware, another to Oregon) to drag it all home. You should have seen the faces of TSA when they asked me
to open my hand luggage and saw 48lbs (21kg) Ameritron amp inside. They could barely move it ;)
I DO like old school paper QSL-s, so feel free to send them in. I will reply to all received cards.
Estonian bureau works very well (and is on my way home from work), so this is the preferred way.
However - please do not send cards for duplicate band-mode qsos.
Postage from Estonia to EU is 1.00 EUR and 1.10 EUR to all others.
Sorry to say, but I can't reply direct to 1GS cards. Such cards go back via buro.
- Check out my online logbook
- My version of dx-cluster
- Paper QSL statistics page
- Propagation forecast from my QTH
- My location on the map, also available in Google Streetview
- View my travel photos
- I try to update my blog when something important comes up
- I'm a patriot of my small country. Hence I urge you to apply for Estonia award
- Local time at my qth (Tallinn) is
and current temperature outside my shack is
United States West Coast USA South America Oceania Europe Japan 50mhz contacts | Click on a link to see stations I have worked with on map |
Perhaps my biggest challenge in this hobby is to work/confirm all 3077 counties. You are VERY welcome to send your card in case we worked and you can't find your county in my confirmed counties list I currently have | |
I participate in Japan cities award as well. If we have had a qso and you can't find your city in my confirmed jcc list then I really appreciate your qsl card! My current JCC confirmation count stands at | |
Russian hams are really nice people. Most of them are very polite, talented and passionate about our hobby. It's a real challenge to work and get qsl confirmation from all vast sparsely populated country. Nobody has done it yet. My confirmation count is | |
Germany has the biggest ham population in EU. Very good qsl-ers. I had to figure out how to make those close range qso-s more exciting for me. The answer is collecting DOK-s on magic band (6m). So far I have |
Station setup - Icom 756p3, Palstar AT1KP antenna tuner, Ameritron AL80B amplifier.
Station is powered by Astron RS35A power supply.
CW from my shack comes from a fabulous Begali Sculpture paddle
Streetview of my homebrew 17m band moxon 48ft (14.8m) up
Same 17m moxon from different angle.
February 2012. 12m moxon and 4el LFA for 6m.
August 2012. My flagship moxon - 20m. Great tool for those summer morning W6, W7 openings.
October 2012. Our first snow and my new 15m moxon, 3el yagi for 10m, fixed towards Japan.
Amateur radio equipment in Europe is ridiculously expensive. It's a lot cheaper to get plane tickets and buy your stuff from USA.
I have bought all my station equipment from Ham Radio Outlet. I highly recommend this place. Very nice staff.
It took me two trips (one to Delaware, another to Oregon) to drag it all home. You should have seen the faces of TSA when they asked me
to open my hand luggage and saw 48lbs (21kg) Ameritron amp inside. They could barely move it ;)
I DO like old school paper QSL-s, so feel free to send them in. I will reply to all received cards.
Estonian bureau works very well (and is on my way home from work), so this is the preferred way.
However - please do not send cards for duplicate band-mode qsos.
Postage from Estonia to EU is 1.00 EUR and 1.10 EUR to all others.
Sorry to say, but I can't reply direct to 1GS cards. Such cards go back via buro.
799804 Last modified: 2013-09-10 21:15:20, 11526 bytes
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