PB 20 Haugenstua 0915 OSLO Norway
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20140721 1457UTC 14223kHz LG5LG
Date : 21/Jul/2014 1457UTC
Freq : 14223kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
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The name Morokulien is a compound word of the Norwegian word "moro" and the Swedish word "kul" for fun.The last ending "-ien" means "in one" (the two words in one) and this became the name of the state Moro-kul-ien. Morokulien is a "ham-state" on the border between Norway and Sweden. The special callsign for the Norwegian side is LG5LG, and the special callsign for the Swedish side is SJ9WL. If you as a HAM-operator are visiting Morokulien for several days you have to change call-sign LG5LG/SJ9WL every other day.
Rig-equipment: Icom IC-756PROIII and Icom IC-706MKIIG. Mode-equipment: RTTY, APRS, BPSK31. The Morokulien ham-station-antennas: On HF there are dipols for 160, 80, 40 and 30 meters. On 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters there is a new 8-element Log-periodic antenna. For the VHF-UHF there is a new 21-element 80 - 1680 Mhz Log-periodic antenna, on 50 Mhz there is a 6-element yagi, and a vertical for 2 meter, 70 cm and 23 cm. The new mast is 32 meters high and the HF - logperiodic antenna is placed on 27,5 meters, the 50 Mhz - antenna is on 29,5 meters and the VHF-UHF logperiodic antenna is placed on 31,5 meters. On the 32 meters top the VHF-UHF-vertical is placed.
Radio-Amateurs, who are interested, can rent the HAM-station on holidays, weekends, weekly or day by day. Take advantage of the opportunity and experience a real pile-up from the most known HAM-station in the world. If you want to visit and rent Morokulien HAM-station LG5LG/SJ9WL, send a mail to the Booking Manager SM4SXQ //Odd Westby, E-mail adress: odd.westby@telia.com.
The cost is 350 SEK / 300 NOK per 24 hour or ca 37 €, for up to 5 persons. The only thing you have to bring is bedclothes and food.
Very Welcome to visit the LG5LG/SJ9WL HAM-station in Morokulien.
All QSL-cards is now on their way to our contacts.
The name Morokulien is a compound word of the Norwegian word "moro" and the Swedish word "kul" for fun.The last ending "-ien" means "in one" (the two words in one) and this became the name of the state Moro-kul-ien. Morokulien is a "ham-state" on the border between Norway and Sweden. The special callsign for the Norwegian side is LG5LG, and the special callsign for the Swedish side is SJ9WL. If you as a HAM-operator are visiting Morokulien for several days you have to change call-sign LG5LG/SJ9WL every other day.
Rig-equipment: Icom IC-756PROIII and Icom IC-706MKIIG. Mode-equipment: RTTY, APRS, BPSK31. The Morokulien ham-station-antennas: On HF there are dipols for 160, 80, 40 and 30 meters. On 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters there is a new 8-element Log-periodic antenna. For the VHF-UHF there is a new 21-element 80 - 1680 Mhz Log-periodic antenna, on 50 Mhz there is a 6-element yagi, and a vertical for 2 meter, 70 cm and 23 cm. The new mast is 32 meters high and the HF - logperiodic antenna is placed on 27,5 meters, the 50 Mhz - antenna is on 29,5 meters and the VHF-UHF logperiodic antenna is placed on 31,5 meters. On the 32 meters top the VHF-UHF-vertical is placed.
Radio-Amateurs, who are interested, can rent the HAM-station on holidays, weekends, weekly or day by day. Take advantage of the opportunity and experience a real pile-up from the most known HAM-station in the world. If you want to visit and rent Morokulien HAM-station LG5LG/SJ9WL, send a mail to the Booking Manager SM4SXQ //Odd Westby, E-mail adress: odd.westby@telia.com.
The cost is 350 SEK / 300 NOK per 24 hour or ca 37 €, for up to 5 persons. The only thing you have to bring is bedclothes and food.
Very Welcome to visit the LG5LG/SJ9WL HAM-station in Morokulien.
1086616 Last modified: 2014-07-08 19:41:17, 2066 bytes
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