Commonwealth Games Special Event Station
Unit 68, Bandeath Industrial Estate Throsk, Stirling FK7 7NP Scotland
QSL: LoTW, e-QSL and Clublog OQRS (Direct and Bureau)
Email: Use mouse to view..
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20140803 1136UTC 18079.5kHz GA14CG
Date : 03/Aug/2014 1136UTC
Freq : 18079.5kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
GA14CG - Golf Alpha One Four Commonwealth Games
Special Event Station to Celebrate the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland
July 21st - August 3rd 2014
"The Commonwealth Games is an International, multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations. The event was first held in 1930 and takes place every four years. The Games are described as the third largest multi-sport event in the world, after the Olympic Games and the Asian Games"
Loc: IO86bc
IOTA: EU-005 (Great Britain)
The Station will be run by members of the Stirling & DARS along with the support of other clubs and individuals. Visitors are most welcome to the station
Check out our audio interview on TX Factor
There will be 3 HF stations and 2 VHF stations operational
We will be active from 1.8MHz to 144MHz; using CW, SSB and Data
For more information about the station, check us out at:
You can also follow us on Twitter (@GA14CG) and "like" us on Facebook
Real time log. Data QSO's will be delayed by 24 hours
If you are not in the log within 24 hours, please work us again!
QSL Information:
Electronic Confirmations
We aim to give you confirmations of your contact with GA14CG via eQSL and LoTW at least 3 times per day. Clublog updates are automatic within 5 minutes or so.
Why do we prefer electronic confirmations ? A good question, here are some answers
- It saves us money, we have no sponsorship at all and are funding the special event station entirely ourselves.
- It saves you money, please do not send us your cards, we are more than happy to use technology to confirm our QSO for free
- You get your confirmation same day and your LoTW is as good for a DXCC or CQ award as paper with less hassle
- An electronic confirmation never goes missing in the mail !
- We cannot ask more of the volunteers who have been running the station to manage 1,000′s of QSLs after the event as well as running it for 2 weeks
Please do not send us you card, especially if we have a confirmed QSO on LoTW
We are happy to provide electronic confirmations for free, if you feel you must contribute in some way, please feel free to send us a donation via PAYPAL instead of your card.
All donations received go directly towards the running costs of the station and the equipment repairs afterwards (we already have some damage). No profit is made
Paper Confirmations
Of course we fully appreciate some of the radio community still prefer paper confirmations but again PLEASE DO NOT SEND US YOUR CARD
Our QSO Policy for either bureau or direct is that we will support requests through either route but ONLY VIA CLUBLOG !
If you want a paper card, please request a card direct or via the bureau using Clublog OQRS, When using OQRS, you DO NOT send your card to us, which is unnecessary and slows down the QSL process.
Why do we want to only use ClubLog Online QRS tools ? Fair question, the answer is simple:
- We do not have to manually check you are in the log.
- If you are not in the ClubLog log (use LogSearch to check) then you are NOT in the log and would not receive a card in reply to yours
- Clublog checks for us if you have a confirmed contact and if we have a confirmed contact we will be happy to send you a BUREAU card (Free) on request and you can request the card direct via Clublog.
- Clublog checks for us if you have a confirmed contact and if we have a confirmed contact we will be happy to send you a DIRECT card (Fee applies) on request and you can request the card direct via Clublog.
- Your request for a card is handled automatically via Clublogs OQRS tools and makes the whole process really easy for us to get you your card quickly (automatic prints)
In summary:
- We are not using traditional manual log checking methods and paper cards. We are actively encouraging free electronic confirmation methods.
- We are using ClubLog QSL tools exclusively for all QSL requests, if you are not in the log, no request is possible!
- If you think you should be in the log, please email us and we will check the electronic logs for mis-typed calls
- PLEASE DO NOT SEND us cards via bureau, if your card arrives via bureau and there is no confirmed contact, you will not receive a reply, check Clublog for a confirmed contact first and THEN use Clublog to request your Bureau card.
- PLEASE DO NOT SEND us cards direct, if your card arrives via direct, no confirmed contact exists, insufficient postage, no SAE or any other issues, you will not receive a reply, check Clublog for a confirmed contact first and THEN use Clublog to request your Direct card.
- If you are not a Clublog user at the moment, registration is FREE AND EASY. A lot easier than sending a card for sure ! Upload your log and once your log matches with ours, you can request a card direct or via the bureau.
- Requests via CLublog can only be made after a verified contact is confirmed, so we do not need to check manually and we are certain to receive your request, if you decide to send us a card via bureau it could take months or years (or even never) to reach us, same applies to direct cards with currency enclosed, there is always the possibility of it going missing.
Thank you for your understanding!
Any issues, please e-mail us:
Antennas in use at GA14CG
Inside the GA14CG shack
We do not represent Glasgow 2014 Ltd or any of their partners. This special event station is run solely by members of the Stirling & DARS for non-commercial gain and to support and celebrate the Games. All copyrights reserved to their respective owners.
1149128 Last modified: 2014-08-03 11:36:53, 20474 bytes
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