P.O. BOX # 1 SOFIA 1756 Bulgaria
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Ham Member Lookups: 104771
20140805 1851UTC 14027.5kHz LZ1MS
Date : 05/Aug/2014 1851UTC
Freq : 14027.5kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Born 1956, radio amateur since 1968. Two mandates President of the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs. Holder of DXCC HONOR ROLL (mixed) and member of the FOC # 1826.
Other call signs: NW9Y, V31LZ and 5B4AGU.
RIG : Kenwood transceiver TS870S with some improvements: an additional INRAD 5 khz roofing filter, two INRAD IF filters-replacing the original ones).
Amplifier ACOM 1000 (1 KW output) + ANT 6 ele tribander KLM KT34XA (20, 15, 10 m) 22m or 72ft above ground; Inverted Vee WINDOM OCF for 80/40/17/12m bands.
Profession: Professor of Economics & Sustainable Development at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia.
Member of the Parliament of Bulgaria since May 2013. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria and Minister of the Economic development (1995-1997). Chairman, Commission on Sustainable Development, United Nations (1996-97).
Married (Elena, LZ3RY) with two sons: Vasco (LZ3RZ) and Assen. Proud grandfather of the adorable Angela (four years old).
QSL: direct, bureau, LOTW or Club Log.
Other call signs: NW9Y, V31LZ and 5B4AGU.
RIG : Kenwood transceiver TS870S with some improvements: an additional INRAD 5 khz roofing filter, two INRAD IF filters-replacing the original ones).
Amplifier ACOM 1000 (1 KW output) + ANT 6 ele tribander KLM KT34XA (20, 15, 10 m) 22m or 72ft above ground; Inverted Vee WINDOM OCF for 80/40/17/12m bands.
Profession: Professor of Economics & Sustainable Development at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia.
Member of the Parliament of Bulgaria since May 2013. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria and Minister of the Economic development (1995-1997). Chairman, Commission on Sustainable Development, United Nations (1996-97).
Married (Elena, LZ3RY) with two sons: Vasco (LZ3RZ) and Assen. Proud grandfather of the adorable Angela (four years old).
QSL: direct, bureau, LOTW or Club Log.
182985 Last modified: 2013-05-26 18:45:29, 1167 bytes
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