FOC First Class CW Operators' Club, Baldur Drobnica Zedernweg 6 50127 Bergheim Germany [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 5379
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20130901 1833UTC 10108.8kHz DK75FOC
Date : 01/Sep/2013 1833UTC
Freq : 10108.8kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Very nice sig in JA.. but I don't have 30m Antenna : ( .. cuagn 73's
Responsible DJ6SI
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the formation of the First Class CW Operators' Club FOC, the special callsign DK75FOC has been assigned to DK0FOC. This special call is aired by a number of different German members during the jubilee-year 2013. A special QSL card will be available and the logs are uploaded to the ARRL's Log Book of the World (LoTW). Contacts with this station count 5 points towards the FOC75 Award.
DK75FOC operation by the following FOC members:
- May - DJ4KW
4th and 19th May - DJ6SI
7th and 21st May - DK9GG (XYL of DJ4KW) SSB DOK market
26th and 27th May - DK9HE DL2SWW CQ CW WPX contest
- June - DL4CF
20th - 30th June - DL3AZ - July - DL3AZ
- August - DL1BUG
- September - DJ2BW
- October - DF4BV
- November - DF2IC
- December - DL1VDL
For those chasing DOK's for the German DLD-Award, the German Amateur Radio Club DARC has assigned a new, special DOK FOC75:
Who and what is FOC?
Founded in May 1938, and with its roots, history and management in the UK, the First Class CW Operators' Club (FOC) promotes good CW (Morse code) operating, activity, friendship and socialising via its worldwide membership of approximately 500. Members are active on all HF bands and the character of the club is best expressed in its motto:
"A man should keep his friendship in constant repair" - Samuel Johnson (1755).
- Foster and encourage a high standard of CW operating ability and behaviour on the amateur bands.
- Observe the licence conditions and principles of band planning.
- Be considerate to other amateurs at all times.
- Protect the future of the hobby through being active, encouraging newcomers and supporting a national society.
For more information including how to become a member, please visit the Club's own site.
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