Edward H Poppe, Jr 25 Kristina Ln Yona, GU 96915 USA [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 178487 Ham Member
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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: W3HNK, LOTW, KH2 BURO OK BUT SLOOOOOOOOOW |
20130905 2032UTC 14030kHz KH2L
Date : 05/Sep/2013 2032UTC
Freq : 14030kHz CW
PC recording
My QSL manager isW3HNK:
Greetings from Guam (OC-026). Tnx for looking me up and I appreciate ur reading this.Former calls were: K2QGC, KA2EP (Japan), KG6ARH, AH2BV, and AH2L.
I am in my 55th year of ham radio, I was first licensed as KN2QGC in early 1958. I still remember my first nervous QSO on 40m CW with my Elmer W2HQL (now W1JR). I still get nervous when I QSO with him more than 50 years later, hi.
I grew up in Wantagh, L.I., NY and as a kid I also spent a lot of time on the West Coast of FL and in the FL Keys. In the very early 60s I joined the Air Force and was sent to Guam for two years where I operated as K2QGC/KG6 and where I also met my XYL (KH2CM). After returning to the states for a year I was stationed in JA land for 3 years and operated as KA2EP near Tokyo. I returned to Guam in 68 with a new call, KG6ARH.
In 1976, a great typhoon damaged my house and destroyed my business. I sold my ham gear to rebuild my business.
I have lived most of my life on Guam and enjoy fishing, hunting and hamming. After leaving the Air Force I worked for NASA for ten years and have been in the commercial broadcast business for more than 39 years. I have owned and operated a charter and commercial fishing business and a fish market. For more than10 years I have beenpastoring a Southern Baptist church in the village of Santa Rita.
I work 160-6m. I prefer CW, but will sometimes work SSB, RTTY and PSK31. I will try to meet skeds for those who need KH2. I enjoy working the CW pileups until my old boat handling hands start doing things on their own.
My station is: K3, AL-1200, a 4 ele SteppIR DB 32 with dual30/40m loops at 78' (23m). Low band antenna is 1/4 wave 80m vertical with 120 short radials, base loaded for 160m.
One final note: If you’ve missed a QSO with me you really haven’t missed much. But if you have missed a QSO with my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, you’ve missed it all.
73 es God Bless,
Ed, KH2L
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