JOAO CARLOS R. MORGADO RUA AMÁLIA RODRIGUES, Nº 3 2330-046 ENTRONCAMENTO Portugal [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130905 2140UTC 14037.7kHz CT1BQH
Date : 05/Sep/2013 2140UTC
Freq : 14037.7kHz CW
PC recording
Tnx fer Nice contact...cuagn Best 73's : ) ..
/////////.....Later JA5BIN was check in..He is my teacher hi hi : ) ....////////// ご無沙汰しています
I have been a ham since March 1981, while I was at college, at the age of 19. Two years later I upgraded to Extra class.
CW has always been my great passion and when I am on the radio 99,9% of the time is spent with the paddles between my fingers.
I am a member of several telegraphy clubs – CT-CW, Marconista, HSC, VHSC and SHSC just to mention a few.
I enjoy contesting, DXing and ragchewing both QRQ and QRS depending on the operator on the other side.
I am a SOTA enthusiast and can occasionally be found monitoring the recommended frequencies or operating from a summit.
At home I usually run an old most enjoyable Icom IC-765 at 90 watts into a TH6-DXX antenna or a 40m Delta Loop.
When I’m operating portable the rig is a Ten-Tec Scout at 10 watts, battery powered, and the antenna is a YO-YO-VEE, portable inverted vee dipole, from HamRadioFun.com. The key is a Palm Radio mini-paddle which I enjoy very much.
For a living I have been teaching Portuguese at a local High School since 1983 and in spite of the ever growing difficulties I still enjoy what I’m doing.
We have probably met on the radio and I' ll be looking forward to meeting you again.
Thanks for looking me up.
Best 73
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