Kurt Brännäs Bygränd 5 SE-91342 Obbola Sweden [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 48534
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20130904 1311UTC 14019.4kHz SE2T
Date : 04/Sep/2013 1311UTC
Freq : 14019.4kHz CW
Rig : KENWOOD TS-870
PC recording
SE2T is a vanity/contest call attached to my underlying SM2YIZ call. (I never use the long YIZ anymore.). My primary interests are in contesting, dx-ing and collecting RDA and some other country awards. The ham story started in 1966 or was it 1967 with the call OH6YA (which I still have), but after 1971 I was QRT for some 33 years. After working hard for many years I decided to take up ham radio again and to try cut down on work. And yes, it appears the plan works OK most of the time.
I run a Yaesu FT2000 + ACOM1000 setup + inv L on 160, T-vertical on 80, 4 square on 40, 4 el monoband yagis on 20-15. Some 10 and 6 m antennas will be added sooner or later. I also work in the Multi op contest team from the SJ2W super station ( with its evergrowing antenna park.
I'm a 100 percent sure QSLer by both buro and LOTW. If you are in a hurry to get my card I suggest you send me your QSL, with a self-addressed envelope and two green stamps to cover postage costs. Mail to SE2T Kurt Brännäs, Bygränd 5, SE-91342 Obbola, Sweden
CU on the bands!!
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