Helmuth ' Jim ' Meyer
48/5 Bannon Wattana, PK Thani 2 Village Udon Thani 41 000 Thailand [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130317 0908UTC 14103kHz HS0ZHK
Date : 17/Mar/2013 0908UTC
Freq : 14103kHz ROS
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Hello and thank you for checking my QRZ.COM page !
Station here in Thailand:
ROCKWELL-COLLINS KWM-380 = 40 W in Digi-modes = antenna is a simple 14 mtrs high vertical on ground with SGS-230 auto-tuner
My way to Ham - Radio and beyond :
In summer 1956, as a young 12 years old boy, I was allowed to have a look and climb into a HANOMAG Radio Van from the West-German Border Police BGS (Bundesgrenzschutz), which was operating on a small hill during an exercise in the vincinity of Munich, Germany !
For the first time in my life I saw radio equipment, heard Morse Code signals out of the receiver and was even allowed to press a Morse Key even I did not know the code !
This was an very impressing experience and I have been very much excited and immediately bitten by the "radio bug" !!!
A few months later in 1957 (at age 13), I started being interested in HAM-RADIO with a German ex-Military WWII surplus receiver "Torn.E b", which I could buy for 5 Deutsche Mark ! Lucky to have an ex-Luftwaffe Funker (German Air-Force radio-operator) as instructor for Morse-code, basic electronics and many military equipment (e.g. Torn. E. b, KW Anton, E 52 Koeln, FuG 10 Aircraft Radio Set, Radione R3) and even for cryptography (ENIGMA, ADFGXV, "paper and pencil", Caesar Code, Tarntafel etc.) for the next three years, I was collecting a lot of knowledge and experience for radio communications and equipment !
In 1958 I joined the THW Technisches Hilfswerk (Technical Disaster Aid) and I alone have been the "communications group" in our city, having two LORENZ (banana-like) FuG 6 radios. I have been sent for training on the FuG 7 Command Radio Van to the training school of THW in Wolfratshausen, south of Munich ! In September 1961 I finished my voluntary membership with THW, because
in October 1961, not even 18 years old, I joined the German Bundeswehr Signal Corps. After a 3 months General Infantry Training in a location near the Czech border I have been transferred to 3.(FuKp)/FmBtl 4 (which was the first FmBtl of the new Bundeswehr established in July 1956) in "Raffler Kaserne" in Regensburg, where I have been intensively trained on the old US WWII HF CW and AM radio equipment SCR-506, SCR-193 and GRC-9 for 3 months ! I still remember the very nice time there and many people of the staff !
There I also saw one of the BGS HANOMAG radio vans again and I learned that it was a "BGS Funktrupp M", a "Germanized" US SCR-193, consisting of a BC-348 receiver and a BC-191 transmitter overhauled by STEG and painted in light-grey color and with labels in German language. We even had the same SCR-193 set-up as a fixed installed radio station in our barracks serving in a NATO CW Radio Net ! After 6 years I was literally back to my beginnings !
My first "hands-on" to RTTY (or RATT) with the good old GRC-26 shelter on a MAN truck with heavy, oily and noisy mechanical TELETYPE and KLEINSCHMIDT "steam-teleprinters", COLLINS R-388 and R-390 receivers, the CV-116 RTTY demodulator as well as the BC-610 and T-368 transmitters and my first "hands-on" to Cryptography with the HELL H-54 "coffee-grinder" (license production of the US M-209) and Reihenschieber Handschluessel was in early 1962 in this Signal Corps unit !
In addition to the old US WWII HF equipment (which I had great fun to work on with the morse-key), we had the new developed German mobile 100 W and 400 W RTTY systems.
The 100 W system in an UNIMOG van consisted of a SIEMENS E-309 receiver with FSE-1300 RTTY demodulator and T-100 teleprinter and a R&S SK-010 transmitter as well as a TFK R-77 monitoring receiver which we used to listen to RADIO LUXEMBURG on 6090 KHz ! The 220 VAC power-generator was in a two-wheel trailer !
The 400 W system was in a 3to FORD truck shelter and consisted of two SIEMENS E-311 receivers with PFITZNER TG-440B RTTY demodulators and the older SIEMENS T-37 teleprinters and a R&S SK-050 transmitter as well as a SIEMENS/HELL KF-108 Kleinfax which was not allowed to be used because it lacked a crypto unit ! All FSK, CW and AM only. Also here the 220 VAC power-generator was in a two-wheel trailer !
That time there was no SSB radio equipment yet, the French THOMSON CSF ERB-281 HF-SSB radio set came later! The VHF-RTTY system with the SEM-25, a WT-1 MODEM and a SIEMENS T-100 teleprinter in an UNIMOG van also came later !
I served in the Bundeswehr as instructor for CW, RTTY and Cryptography until September 1964 !
The picture above showing me typing on a T-100 teleprinter was taken inside a 100 W RTTY UNIMOG van in 1964 during an exercise.
End of 1964 I received my license with call-sign "DJ2EI" and I am active in "steam-RTTY" since then, and later in almost all Digi Modes, especially AMTOR since the beginning of the 80's, then PACTOR 1 since it appeared in 1992, frequently FELDHELL, PSK since 2000 and now ROS since 2011 with sound-card and software. I enjoy very much "talking with my fingers" !
I stayed in the radio, RTTY and cryptology business (for Military, Special Forces, Intelligence Services etc. and Foreign Affairs) for almost all the time until retirement in 2004 ! During that time I have been sent to several Crypto and Radio Equipment manufacturers for training and also gave training lessons for the users of the equipment around the globe!
I am very familiar with the Wandel & Goltermann and Pfitzner SP-15 Spy radio set as well as the Pfitzner and TELEFUNKEN SP-20 transmitter units and the "HARPOON" system SY-5000 / FS-5000 from TELEFUNKEN ! I am familiar with many HARRIS and COLLINS HF radios and many different Voice and Data Crypto-equipment of "Western origin" !
I am also familiar with the US RATT systems GRC-46 (with GRC-19), GRC-122 and GRC-142 (with GRC-106) as well as the KW-7 crypto unit !
After the "fall of the wall" in 1989 I collected extensive knowledge on ex-GDR (DDR) RFT Funkwerk Koepenik radio equipment, e.g. EKD-100, EKD-300, EKD-500, EZ-100 RTTY demodulator / preselector and especially SEG-15D and SEG-100D HF-SSB transceivers as well as RFT electronic teleprinters. Also Warshaw Pact equipment like R-4, R-5, R-155, R-326, R-396K receivers as well as R-350, R-353, R-354 and R-394 "Special Forces Radios" !
For the HAM-RADIO hobby, main activities have been (and still are !) home-construction of RTTY MODEMS etc. as well as modification, testing and use of ex-Military and Spy radio equipment for the hobby.
The picture below shows a TE KA DE "FS-200Z" electronic teleprinter, based on the PHILIPS PACT 220 with a dot-matrix printhead. "Made in Germany" in the 1980's for the Bundeswehr !
This picture shows a TELEFUNKEN "HARPOON FS-5000 High-Speed Digital Data HF Radio Set"also "Made in Germany" (modified for Morse-Code) which was used not only in Bundeswehr LRR (Fernspaeher) units !
No more electro-mechanical like the ENIGMA, no more pure mechanical like the HELL H-54 or the US M-209 ! This is more modern Crypto equipment from the 1980's ! Fully electronic, processor-controlled, LCD 1x40 char. with thermo-printer unit and "Made in Germany" !
"AGENTENFUNK" Historian (Spy- and Clandestine Radio Equipment).
"CRYPTO-Equipment" Historian.
Being around the world for business reasons for long time, I have been active also as:
9H3T, W9/DJ2EI, DU3TOR, 4E1EI, and some more
Active from Thailand as HS0ZHK since 2007.
German callsign DJ2EI still valid !!
Member of:
Feldhell #FH1733
30MDG #1835
DMC #1909
EPC #11198
ERC #0758 (European ROS Club)
MRR #175 (Military Radio Runde)
Live member of "RAST" Radio Amateur Society of Thailand
QSL cards please via club / bureau "RAST" Thailand or direct to:
HS0ZHK - Jim -
PO. Box 2008
Bangkok 10501
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