Jim Reed
QSL Direct to EB7DX QSL Direct to EB7DX, NO 0000 Chatham Islands [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 10612
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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: QSL DIRECT TO EB7DX |
20130318 0842UTC 14070.2kHz ZL7LC
Date : 18/Mar/2013 0842UTC
Freq : 14070.2kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
ZL1LC will be on a self funded micro DX Pedition operating as ZL7LC on the Chatham Island during the week of 14 - 20 March 2013.
The mode will be PSK31 ONLY.
I will be operating on the highest bands that are open but with the current conditions, 14 and 21 MHZ are the most likely. Frequencies 7.035, 14.070, 21.070 and 28.120 MHZ
For ZL 80 metres, I will be on 3.677MHz LSB over the weekend at 07:00-08:00Z and then on the Counties and Awards net.
Here's the essential information:
QTH - Kaingaroa, Chatham Island. North East corner of the island.
LOC - AE16ug
IOTA - OC-038
Lighthouse - CH009 is within one kilometre.
Club Numbers - 10-10 = 76528, PODXS = 1476, EPC = 11782, DMC = 4990
Rig - Icom 7200 with Icom 7000 as a backup
Antennas - 10, 15, 40 metres = quarter wave vertical, 20 metres = half wave vertical and Windom as backup.
To make quicker PSK31 QSOs and allow more contacts, please send only your RST report and your name. I will QSL the RST.
If a pileup developes, I will ask you to go UP 100 - 400Hz.
Please operate in a SPLIT mode and transmit 100 to 400 Hertz above your receive frequency.
I will be able to read your call and respond to you
QSL direct to EB7DX. Please include two green stamps and a Self Addressed Envelope.
No bureau.
No bureau.
For OQRS users, please visit www.eb7dx.com
The postal address is:
P.O.BOX 163
21080 HUELVA
P.O.BOX 163
21080 HUELVA
DX Pedition Cap
David will select the Best QSL Card received by 30 June 2013 and that lucky person will receive a unique ZL7LC cap.
As this trip looks like costing up to US$10 per QSO, any donations will be gratefully accepted.
Please deposit any donation to www.paypal.com for bp_express@yahoo.com
Every little bit will help. Thank you.
Nov 2012 - Accommodation and air tickets purchased and excess baggage advised. Airplane is now fully booked, so we were lucky to get seats.
Nov 2012 - Accommodation and air tickets purchased and excess baggage advised. Airplane is now fully booked, so we were lucky to get seats.
Dec 2012 -Antennas built and tested. Rigs in shakedown mode and daily use.
Jan 2013 - World of DX has been advised that the trip is on. ZL7LC callsign finally confirmed.
Feb 2013 - Things going ahead. EB7DX confirmed as QSL manager.
Mar 2013 - Mostly packed and ready to go.
Hope to see you on the air.
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