Peter Habermann Unterfeldstr. 27 44797 Bochum Germany [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130319 0852UTC 14243kHz J4SU
Date : 19/Mar/2013 0852UTC
Freq : 14243kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
January 2007
Hi, By now I am a retired social sciences professor having obtained my radio amateur callsign DJ4SU in the heydays of 1958. Remember, that was all home-build rigs and endless qrm because everybody was squaking (mostly with an overmodulated distorted signal)in AM! Well, as everything else, amateur radio has changed a lot and so I am enjoying old fashioned phone and cw radio as well as (some) of the newer digital technologies. Professionally, I had been establishing university programs all over the world for nearly 30 years and so it was only natural that I tried to get always some sort of permissions to operate my ham radio station legally. Succeeding in Bolivia I was active for three years under CP1IZ and then, later, after the Vietnam war, I could even obtain a license in Thailand and was on the air as HS1ALL. This was also the time when I visited now and then with 9N1MM in Nepal. Back in Germany since 1993 I was on and off the bands and now, after retirement, I am really enjoying ham radio again. My family is not overly interested in all those wires crossing the house, but at least my little three-years old son Till shows some promising activities, grabbing the microphone and screaming cq, cq, whenever he has a chance. I just have to make sure, the main switch is off when I am leaving the attic.
Just for those who are interested: From June 9th to June 31st 2007 I will be off for a vaccation on the West coast of Denmark. During this time I have planned to be aktive with the callsign OZ/DJ4SU from 7 to 430 Mcs. QSL cards for those connections please via my home call.
vy 73 from Peter DJ4SU
August 2007 Hi everybody, back from Denmark, I would like to thank all of you who took the time chatting with me on the radio while I was up there.During those 3 weeks I managed to log exactly 300 qsos mostly on 14 and 7 Mcs. (Ok, that seems not a great deal but remember, Denmark was meant family vaccation time and not a single-op ham-radio endurance test.) Bad enough, my variometer-tuned vertical antenna did not like the 400 watts HF it was getting from the Yaesu PA und first ruined one of the final amplifier tubes an then itself by burning a good part of the internal insulation. So the rest of the time it was down to 200 watts, but great fun nevertheless. I am looking on the log in awe and think of all the qsl-cards I will have to write during the next days.
again, 73 from Peter ex OZ/DJ4SU
X-mas 2007 Hi, merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. It`s OZ/DJ4SU again in 2008. In June we will be up in Denmark and this time besides a new TCS-80- vertical I am taking a FT-1000MP plus the by now repaired FL 2277. I will be on the shortwave bands mostly in SSB. Perhaps there might be even some occasional openings on 10. As always I will be enjoying chatting with you and I would be very glad to get OSLs either directly to my homecall-QTH or via the QSL-exchange at the DARC-headquarters.
Again, 73 from Peter Dj4SU and OZ/DJ4SU
June 2008, the 1st day up here in Denmark
Hi, As promised I am back in Denmark with a FT 1000 Mark V and an improved inverted V-antenna for 40 meters while the higher HF-bands are covered again by the old trustworthy TCS-80 vertical. QRV in Ringkobing since June 9th I will be around here until June 28th, when everything goes into the trunk and back to Germany. This year, I have skipped the UHF/VHF operation simply if there is no opening of any sort, the bands are dead here up north. Sure, you could wait hours and hours for that promised burst, but, for a change the time up here is meant not a scientific expedition but plain family vaccations. So for all of you I will be talking to during the next weeks thanks for calling in. QSL via my home call. To those who prefer to do better things than chatting about antennas and the weather, have a nice summer.
73 from Peter OZ/DJ4SU and DJ4SU
July 2008:
Hi, back from Denmark with about 400 qsos logged mostly on 7 Mcs. This was the band which was active around the clock except the midday hours but then I was off to the beach or taking a nap anyway. Yea, on the third day the faithful old SB 220 popped a circuit breaker badly enough to have it burnt completely. Out between the dunes there were pretty few options left to restore 700 watts operation: A check in about 15 hardware and electrical shops invariably showed a full sortiment of agricultural devices from horseshoes to electrical cow fences but nothing which even optically resembeled a circuit breaker. On the other hand I did not dare to bridge the breaker because obiously it did not pop without reason. So there I was, back with the 200 watts input of the FT 1000 Mark 5 which, by the way, lived up to its superb filter selectivity in a lot of nasty qrm on 40. Ok, a couple of weeks before the trip I put an INRAD roofing filter into the rig, which certainly has helped to keep cross modulation away. Although nothing for the faint hearted of you, because you have to put two solder points into that awfully expensive transceiver, this mod is the most recommendable one I have ever dared to do to a commercially build rig. So thanks for the nice chats and maybe we meet one of these days. Give me a shout and if your signal is above S3 chances are I`ll catch you. The 400 qsl-cards are written and on the way DARC-headquarters
73 from Peter OZ/DJ4SU and DJ4SU
it`s July of 2009 and my family and I are back again in Denmark. The rig and the tubes für the antennas were taking quite a bit of space in the car but by now I know what to carry and what to leave at home. There was much less stress this time getting the antennas up and already at the first evening I logged nearly all of my friends who where overenthisistic about the signals they received from up here. I will be on the bands mostly in ssb until 23rd of July. during the last days the preferred band was 7 MHZ, mostly because of the absolutely fantastic signals coming from Germany from 8 a.m. to noon local time. Also dx works fine on 20 and 10 meters if the conditions are ok. The Tcs-80 shows an absoloutely stupid resistance to get in reonance on 15 m. Nothing what I can do about it right now so 15 is out for the moment. Well to all of you, you want to say hello via radio, please drop in any time.
Back in Germany mid of August, I will report in detail about my radio vaccations here in Denmark . Until then best 73 from Peter DJ4SU
Hi, everybody! The warm days are gone and here in Germany we will see the first snow of this winter in eight weeks or so.
As usual, the summer holidays in Denmark were a great success! I logged around 800 stations in the 21 days I was qrv up there. No, the cards ar still not on the way, simply because my family and I have moved closer to the Ruhr-University, living now only about three miles from the campus.
I will continue soon. Now it`s really late and I have to sleep expecting a rough wake-up call from my 6 year old already at 5 a.m.
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