GMDX Group Expedition to Tuvalu
March 12-23 2013 Tuvalu [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 641
| ||
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA GM4FDM |
20130321 1015UTC 14080kHz T2GM
Date : 21/Mar/2013 1015UTC
Freq : 14080kHz RTTY
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Every time "EU " "EU " "EU " "EU " .*. CW CW SSB RTTY!!
Please got ASIA ASIA!!
T2GM will be activated by a group of 4 Scottish Operators between the 13th and 23rd March 2013.
The team will operate from the Vaiaku Lagi Hotel on the lagoon side of the Island.
The team consists of 4 seasoned DXers, Contesters and Expeditioners
Gavin - GM0GAV (previous VP8GAV, VP8SDX, IOTA Contest Winner - GM5A, S79GM and 7Q7GM etc)
Clive - GM3POI (previous 3B7C and T32C)
Rob - GM3YTS (member of the Voodoo Contest Group - previous winners CQWW CW - VP8SDX,S79GM,YK9G,7Q7GM - etc
The team will operate from the Vaiaku Lagi Hotel on the lagoon side of the Island.
The team consists of 4 seasoned DXers, Contesters and Expeditioners
Gavin - GM0GAV (previous VP8GAV, VP8SDX, IOTA Contest Winner - GM5A, S79GM and 7Q7GM etc)
Clive - GM3POI (previous 3B7C and T32C)
Rob - GM3YTS (member of the Voodoo Contest Group - previous winners CQWW CW - VP8SDX,S79GM,YK9G,7Q7GM - etc
Tom - GM4FDM (previous IoTA Contest winner Expedition Section, VP8SDX, T33C, 3D2DM, V8FDM etc)
They will operate 2 x 500w stations using the Elecraft K3 and Microham Interface Units, using vertical antennas
placed either in or at the edge of the lagoon.
The Hotel promises Internet and if that is the case we shall endeavour to upload logs to Clublog (for logsearch)
and LOTW.
QSL MANAGER will be GM4FDM (QRZ.COM) email: tgwylie@virginmedia.com
QSL POLICY : Cards received by the Buro including SWL will be returned by the Buro
Direct Cards snail mail to GM4FDM with Self Addressed Envelope and $2 no IRC please)
They will operate 2 x 500w stations using the Elecraft K3 and Microham Interface Units, using vertical antennas
placed either in or at the edge of the lagoon.
The Hotel promises Internet and if that is the case we shall endeavour to upload logs to Clublog (for logsearch)
and LOTW.
QSL MANAGER will be GM4FDM (QRZ.COM) email: tgwylie@virginmedia.com
QSL POLICY : Cards received by the Buro including SWL will be returned by the Buro
Direct Cards snail mail to GM4FDM with Self Addressed Envelope and $2 no IRC please)
OQRS via Clublog £2 (GBP) first card with up to 7 QSOs thereafter an additional
50p for each additional CARD!
We intentionally have no web page, but will run a BLOG courtesy MM0NDX before and during the expedition - see t2gm.org.
73 and hope to see you in the pileups!
50p for each additional CARD!
We intentionally have no web page, but will run a BLOG courtesy MM0NDX before and during the expedition - see t2gm.org.
73 and hope to see you in the pileups!
Version 2
28 January 2013
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