Martin Lothar Schulze
Auf dem Huegel 8 52372 Kreuzau OT Bergheim Germany
Ham Member Lookups: 25299
20140813 1906UTC 14026kHz DL3ASM
Date : 13/Aug/2014 1906UTC
Freq : 14026kHz CW
PC recording
My name is Martin Schulze. I was born in 1974 in Ilmenau/ Thuringia (the former GDR). I have been living in Kreuzau since 2010. Kreuzau is located beetween Cologne and Aachen. Our family consits of my wife Manuela, dog Balu and me.
I first got my License in May of 1995 with my first call DH5AL. 6 Month's later I've got my new license after CW exam. My favourite mode is CW, I am often on 20, 17, 15,12 and 10m.
I joined the Bundeswehr in 1993 and started a normal career from a private to a sergeant. In 2002 I changed to the officer's and attendet a couple of trainings to become an officer. My current rank is a captain.
There I work as a teacher for maintenance of radio equipment (HF and VHF) and some basics in radio communication. I responsible for different trainings in radio communication.
My equipment consists of a Kenwood TS990 and Icom IC7100. My Amplifier is a TenTec Titan 425 for the legal limit in Germany. My antennas are a dipol 2x22m 15,50 m above ground, a three element yagi ULTRABEAM 6m-20m and a vertical for 2m and 70 cm.
I am a Member in the German Amateur Radio Club and my DOK is G14.
Here is my online Log :
Here are some pictures of my life.

The photo was taken by Quadcopter 30m above ground !!

Rainbow in October 2013

Manu and the Rainbow

My wife Manuela and our dog Balu.

Balu in our garden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My new3 element ULTRABEAM !!!!! Listen to the World !!!!
Special Thanks to Mario , DM4MN and Herbert, DO3HV !!!!!!!!!!!!

15.50m above ground, Dipole 2x22m

Dipol 2x22m, Tuner : Christian Koppler

My Station, TS990 and TenTec Titan 425
I am also interesting in RC Helicopters !

TREX 700 Electric , 1600 mm rotor diameter

TREX 600 E, 1360mm rotor diameter

Martin, DL3ASM and the TREX 450, 700mm rotor diameter

It is great !!!!!!!!!! My helicopter inverted !!!!!!!!!
added by DK8NC
My name is Martin Schulze. I was born in 1974 in Ilmenau/ Thuringia (the former GDR). I have been living in Kreuzau since 2010. Kreuzau is located beetween Cologne and Aachen. Our family consits of my wife Manuela, dog Balu and me.
I first got my License in May of 1995 with my first call DH5AL. 6 Month's later I've got my new license after CW exam. My favourite mode is CW, I am often on 20, 17, 15,12 and 10m.
I joined the Bundeswehr in 1993 and started a normal career from a private to a sergeant. In 2002 I changed to the officer's and attendet a couple of trainings to become an officer. My current rank is a captain.
There I work as a teacher for maintenance of radio equipment (HF and VHF) and some basics in radio communication. I responsible for different trainings in radio communication.
My equipment consists of a Kenwood TS990 and Icom IC7100. My Amplifier is a TenTec Titan 425 for the legal limit in Germany. My antennas are a dipol 2x22m 15,50 m above ground, a three element yagi ULTRABEAM 6m-20m and a vertical for 2m and 70 cm.
I am a Member in the German Amateur Radio Club and my DOK is G14.
Here is my online Log :
The photo was taken by Quadcopter 30m above ground !!
Rainbow in October 2013
Manu and the Rainbow
My wife Manuela and our dog Balu.
Balu in our garden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My new3 element ULTRABEAM !!!!! Listen to the World !!!!
Special Thanks to Mario , DM4MN and Herbert, DO3HV !!!!!!!!!!!!
15.50m above ground, Dipole 2x22m
Dipol 2x22m, Tuner : Christian Koppler
My Station, TS990 and TenTec Titan 425
I am also interesting in RC Helicopters !
TREX 700 Electric , 1600 mm rotor diameter
TREX 600 E, 1360mm rotor diameter
Martin, DL3ASM and the TREX 450, 700mm rotor diameter
It is great !!!!!!!!!! My helicopter inverted !!!!!!!!!
added by DK8NC
1178839 Last modified: 2014-08-12 06:02:15, 4698 bytes
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