FURA, Föreningen Umeå RadioAmatörer
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20140813 1847UTC 14016kHz SF2014ECC
Date : 13/Aug/2014 1847UTC
Freq : 14016kHz CW
PC recording
SF2014ECC is a special call for celebrating the town of Umeå as European Capital of Culture 2014.
FURA, Umeå Amateur Radio Society (SK2AT) and some of it’s members will activate a total of nine (9) calls during the year of 2014!
Around these calls an award program will be presented from February 2014. More information at FURA.se!
The nine calls are:
SC2014ECC (main call) Swedish Culture 2014 European Capital of Culture
You will find more information about UMEÅ 2014 at umea2014.se/en
About Umeå2014
Umeå2014 is a window to all of Europe. We will use it to show that we are one of the foremost culture-driven cities in Europe. Before, during and after 2014 cultural exchanges between Umeå and the rest of Europe will increase. This means that Europe has an opportunity to become acquainted with Umeå’s cultural scene. It is also an opportunity to establish bonds with new European friends for us.
Raising northern Sweden’s European profile
In its verdict, the jury cited Umeå’s ambition to make the city and northern Sweden more visible in Europe and to use culture as a driving force in regional development. The jury was unanimous in recommending Umeå as European Capital of Culture 2014. Umeå was a truly great cultural city even before selection as capital of culture. Thus, 2014 will be used to step up the pace and become even sharper.
A programme of co-creation
“Co-creation” is the key word in Umeå2014’s capital of culture initiative. Here, the concept means that everyone can participate and contribute to the programme. To promote a long-term perspective and encourage the continuance of capital of culture activities beyond 2014, it is intended that projects should be run by the “cultural operators” themselves.
An Umeå2014 team will be receiving suggestions, coordinating activities and granting funds. However, it cannot manage projects. In other words, most of our capital of culture activities will be run by associations, organisations, cultural institutions and other interested parties.
We continue to create together after 2014
Umeå2014 is mostly about expanding upon the dynamic cultural scene that Umeå already has. And when 2014 ends, what we have created will continue to be put to use – for many years to come
30398 Last modified: 2013-12-31 08:44:05, 3749 bytes
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