Jaime Perez-Ullivarri
POB 5 Palmanyola, Baleares. 07193 Spain
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Ham Member Lookups: 106286
20140813 1806UTC 14009.9kHz EA6NB
Date : 13/Aug/2014 1806UTC
Freq : 14009.9kHz CW
PC recording
I have got my license as Radio Amateur from 1981 and since then I have been always active, my main interest in Radio is DXing for DXCC, CW, SSB and RTTY from 160M to 6M, it is easy to find me on CW (99%) 20, 30 and 40M.I try to work 160M but I live in a small QTH 30m by 15m size, so no place for good antennas, also I suffer from very bad QRM, I have nearby 3 BC AM one at 2 KM with 60KW and two 10KW, also a big Power-Station at the side which supply power to Palma, so sorry if I can not hear you, QRM is about "9" on 160M, "7" on 80M, but I try very hard.
I am very interested also in new technology, equipments and antennas.
My station:
Rigs are: a new FT-5000MP, Elecraft K3 plus P3 and Flex 5000.
Amps are Expert 1K linear and an old Drake L7.
And a lot of old accessories.
My antennas:
I have an 18m crank-up tower over a small flat terrace 4m high, a 3 El SteppIR with 40-30m Dipole at 22m, two Half Sloper for 80m, one loaded with a coil and folded for 160m, to keep it in my small QTH . For 6m is a 7EL M2 yagi at 25m.
The tower is Shunt-Fed for 160m with 4 Folded Elevated Radials, connected 6m high.
A Hy-Gain multiband Vertical AV-640 that is used only in RX for Diversity.
Also a 30m long Multiband Dipole in vee configuration 19m high, fed with 450 Ohm line and MFJ -998R remote ATU, tunes well from 80 to 10m as a reserve antenna and actual 60m antenna.
I have mountains from West to East that blocks my signals to part of this areas so quite difficult DXing.
14875 Last modified: 2014-03-31 10:36:18, 2779 bytes
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