10 th Year of TCSWAT All year long activity by TCSWAT
PK 73 Karakoy Istanbul 34421 Turkey
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20140620 1925UTC 14005kHz TC10SWAT
Date : 20/Jun/2014 1925UTC
Freq : 14005kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
TCSWAT is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the special callsign TC10SWAT between 1 February and 31 December 2014.
Special Note for WAE Award : CW operation is from the European Part of TURKIYE.
Other operators callsigns will be added to the list as they participate.
Log is uploaded to eqsl and LoTW regularly.�
Please DO NOT send any direct requests before December!
The cards are not printed, you will have to wait! If you need the card for DXCC, take the easy path - USE LoTW! or e-mail us !
It all started in August 2004 when a small group of Turkish hams travelled to Sile Lighthouse to work as TC2LHS. All together 55 contacts were made during the Lighthouse Weekend but it was the beginning.
Year after year, season after season, they started to get new callsigns with the TC prefix, with one exception for the 90th anniversary of Turkish National Assembly, TB90MM. Even when they travelled out of Turkey for a new DXCC, they had the TC in the callsign- ZA1TC (Albania Durres) & T5TC (Somalia Mogadishu).
Always looking forward to bring in young breath to the hobby, they encouraged new beginners to all aspects of the hobby, but they did not forget those SKs who gave them valuable advice when TCSWAT founders were new to the hobby- TC2J - TC2BK - TC1BW .
They were on the air from the field as TC57A, TC9SAM; on the air from the historical lighthouses as (too many to cite here); on the air from European Capital of Culture 2010-Istanbul as TC2010CCA/CCE/CCI and others.
Together with some of the well-known DXers and contesters, they put TC prefix into contest lists, such as TC4X , TC2X, TC2C.
When we check for TA activity we see that there has been a marked increase after 2006. If, as TCSWAT, we have contributed to this increase, we are very proud!
As a part of our activity we are also chasing DXCC while giving out a new one or a new band slot to others on different parts of the world. With TC57A, we earned" the first DXCC Award for a special prefix fromTA".
Our qsl policy is "QSL 100% via the bureau" so please DO NOT HURRY and send a direct request! The cards will be printed in January 2015 so even if you send a direct request you will have to wait. We will definitely send out your qsl card to your bureau, usually around June or July, most probable delivery during Friedrichshafen Messe. We are using and all the log will be uploaded to LoTW at the end of activity.
Congratulations go to G4BUE as he is the first station to complete 6 bands. DL1HRN & DL1MDU are the first to complete 8 contacts on different bands/modes. Hope to see more coming in the coming days!
To celebrate its 10th anniversary, TCSWAT will be working the special callsign TC10SWAT throughout 2014 and will be issuing a new award. Stations will need to make a mininum of 8 contacts in different bands and/or modes to win the golden award. Contacts in 7 different bands and/or modes will earn the silver award, and in 6 different bands and/or modes will get a bronze award.
In addition, special awards will be issued to stations working the highest number of bands in each mode, and highest number of modes in each band. However there will be only one winner for each of these awards. If there are more than one stations with equal number of points for a specific band ore mode award, the station with the highest number of QSOs will get the award.
Special SWL Rule!No copy&paste qso info from dxcluster, please! You wil have many chances to hear us on the air, be patient and LISTEN!! DXCluster hunting is no good for eligibility!
Iwill listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling.
- I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.
- I will not trust the DX cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling.
- I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.
- I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call.
- I will always send my full call sign.
- I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.
- I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign, not mine.
- I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign not like mine.
- I will not transmit when the DX station requests geographic areas other than mine.
- When the DX operator calls me, I will not repeat my call sign unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.
- I will be thankful if and when I do make a contact.
- I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect.
993438 Last modified: 2014-06-05 05:54:24, 10889 bytes
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