Nelson's Island
DX-Pedition The Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society Team Egypt
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20140615 0815UTC 14265kHz SU8N
Date : 15/Jun/2014 0815UTC
Freq : 14265kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
"SU8N" Nelson's Island DX-Pedition 13 June 2014 for 50 Hours.
A team from (The Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society) ERASD will again be active from Nelson’s Island AF-109 in the weekend. The team will travel Friday June 13 and stay for about 50 Hours. QSL Manager SM5AQD more info. and all update on ERASD Facebook page at
"SU8N" Nelson's Island DX-Pedition 3-10 May 2013
IOTA & Lighthouse DX-Pedition
QSL Manager SM5AQD
The Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society (ERASD) members
plan to be active on 7-14-18-21-24-18 Mhz for about one week.
Operators Team are Said SU1SK, Ateff SU1AO, Ayman SU1AR and SU3YM Yasser.
"Nelson's Island" approximately 20 kilometers east of the Egyptian
port of Alexandria, four kilometers north Aboukir. Nelson’s Island
(approximately 350 meters by 150 meters) SU8N IOTA AF-109
is most wanted as IOTA Island so the teamwork hope they can
continue to work on the air for one week and working on most
Ham bands with all Amateurs from all over the worled .!
all new new photos and update on ERASD Facebook page.
1013389 Last modified: 2014-06-11 17:51:10, 5759 bytes
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