Arnaldo José Santos Ferreira
P.O. Box 293 Loule 8100-269 Portugal
Ham Member Lookups: 46863
20140614 1703UTC 14245kHz CT2IOV
Date : 14/Jun/2014 1703UTC
Freq : 14245kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
QslVia Bureau,Eqsl and LoTW See us Live on http://www.livestream.com/ct2iov
QSL direct please send SASE - Europe or OUTSide Europe 2GS or 1 IRC(qsl direct without sase will be send by bureau ) CT2IOV operational since 1st/01/2006 on the following bands:
- Icom 706 MKII G AT-180 Micro CM-Especial Sadelta and MFJ Voice Keyer

Yaesu FT-8100 , Kenwood TM-255 (vhf all mode)
CS25M Celebrating 25 yrs of Faro Moto Meeting(17th to 23rd July 2006)
CS26X Celebrating 26 yrs of Faro Moto Meeting(16th to 22rd July 2007)
CT7LAE Celebrating the 50º Jamborie (19 to 21 Octobre 2007 )
CT7LHPfrom From Algarve DX Group. 6 Lighhouses Each one with a diferent call..
CS27R Celebrating 27 yrs of Faro Moto Meeting(13th to 20rd July 2008)
CT7CAL 8 castels on the air... the same as the Lighhouses Each one with a diferent call
CT7SBK, 1 and 2 of Nov 2008. The 1st event on Algarve´s motor park on Nov 2008.
CT7E, CQ WW 160m SSB 27-28Fev e 1Mar 2009. 1 ST PLACE IM PORTUGAL

CT7IOV – Geodésico Mark in Algarve (talefes)
CR5SBK Motorbike Event Activity 1st Aniversary and SBK Championship in Portimão. on 23/24/25 -10-2009 and CQ WW SSB 2009

08-12-2009 Talefe Alfeicao Ref : 2 / 154 Geodesic Mark
1º Place Portugal WW RTTY WPX Contest 2010
On 2010 CT2IOV / P
Geodesic Mark from Picota ref: 2 / 714from9to 10 Outobre 2010
VIsitors Since 20-10-2009

QSL direct please send SASE - Europe or OUTSide Europe 2GS or 1 IRC(qsl direct without sase will be send by bureau ) CT2IOV operational since 1st/01/2006 on the following bands:
160m 80m 40m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10 m 6 m2m 70cm On SSB, Rtty, Psk31, SSTV and CW
HF Equipment: - Transceiver - Kenwood TS-50 + AT-50, Microphone - MC-80- Icom 706 MKII G AT-180 Micro CM-Especial Sadelta and MFJ Voice Keyer
Yaesu FT-8100 , Kenwood TM-255 (vhf all mode)
QTH LouLé 16kms Nort Faro Airport
73'S and good DX to all fellow radio users.
CS25M Celebrating 25 yrs of Faro Moto Meeting(17th to 23rd July 2006)
CS26X Celebrating 26 yrs of Faro Moto Meeting(16th to 22rd July 2007)
CT7LAE Celebrating the 50º Jamborie (19 to 21 Octobre 2007 )
CT7LHPfrom From Algarve DX Group. 6 Lighhouses Each one with a diferent call..
CS27R Celebrating 27 yrs of Faro Moto Meeting(13th to 20rd July 2008)
CT7CAL 8 castels on the air... the same as the Lighhouses Each one with a diferent call
CT7SBK, 1 and 2 of Nov 2008. The 1st event on Algarve´s motor park on Nov 2008.
CT7E, CQ WW 160m SSB 27-28Fev e 1Mar 2009. 1 ST PLACE IM PORTUGAL
CT7IOV – Geodésico Mark in Algarve (talefes)
CR5SBK Motorbike Event Activity 1st Aniversary and SBK Championship in Portimão. on 23/24/25 -10-2009 and CQ WW SSB 2009
08-12-2009 Talefe Alfeicao Ref : 2 / 154 Geodesic Mark
1º Place Portugal WW RTTY WPX Contest 2010
On 2010 CT2IOV / P
Geodesic Mark from Picota ref: 2 / 714from9to 10 Outobre 2010
VIsitors Since 20-10-2009
204184 Last modified: 2011-02-26 10:00:57, 6556 bytes
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