After having permanent license for 2013 (there are only two hams, me and C5YK ) I just got confirmation on my renewal for 2014.
I will be QRV from 11 Januari 2014 till 15 Januari from the village my Charity cares about, Buntu. I will set upmy permanent station now based on a Kenwood TRC-80 Bush Radio and a brand new 5 band Spiderbeam. Additionally I will put up some travelling wave V-beam antennas to USA and EU. We will also try some low band activity but due to poor soil conductivity I expect not too much apart from extremely low noise levels (closest electricity wall outlet is 80 km away.)
From 16 till 22 Januari we will move to the Kololi area where we will try some serious Low Band stuff based on a sea mounted vertical, together with dipoles and the V-beam for the high bands.
Past operations:
I was QRV from 20 till 27 march 2013 from the Kololi aera and also from inland Buntu village. But very busy setting up an NGO that week, not a lot of activity.
I will be also QRV two weeks in august, dates 16-30 august 2013 from Kerr Pedro, Buntu Village, North River district. This place has no electricty, I will be taking along solar panels and batteries to sponsor the village. And lots of humanitary aid stuff, medicine and educational things.
Please help my charity project, more info
Previously operated from 11 till 18 november 2012 by Pedro ON7WP / AA9HX as part of his effort to set up a locally managed tourist organisation helping local to gain their own money. If you want to operate yourself from the Gambia we can make this happen Mail us.

Used an Icom IC706 running 50 Watts into dipoles or MP1 vertical located close to the atlantic ocean with clear view over 360 degrees.
Operated the first day on a quarter wave vertical on 20 meters. Bad results.

Switched to 20 meter dipole only 2 meter above ground on second day, good results to USA even with low height thanks to the ocean.
Placed a 40 meter dipole on monday and oerated this one with good results on 40 and 15 meter (3/4 lambda) at the highest attainable height of 5 meters.

Then operated wednesday /P from Kunta Kinteh camp from generator power and with the same low height 20 meter dipole.

Friday using MP-! vertical on bar table (see pictures) next to the ocean with worldwide (!) results on 12 meter, with some escapades to 10 meter.

Was blown off 12 meters by another DX-pedition starting to call on 24937 "UP" rendering the whole band impossible to use due to randomly calling stations about EVERYWHERE. A real shame. Expressed my disgust on their frequency and called "down" in despair for a minute But what can one do with 50 W and a little vertical Went to the bar instead.

Worked some more 40 meter and 15 meter on saturday. Then in the evening the bands rendered impossible to use again due to the start of the sweepstakes. 40 and 15 meters flooding with 59+ stateside stations but none of them heard my 50 watts tiny signalback to the bar.

It was fun and I was sorry I only had a 6 kg ham radio luggage allowance. 55 kg of aid stuff and barely own clothings.
Next time I take 1 solid state kW amp and a bigger antenna. Maybe christmas this year.
enjoy some pics of my trip.

PS the human aid community service part of the trip was a huge success. I made more people happy than I made QSO's.
QSL only direct to ON7WP address. Please enclose adhesive address label and 3 US $ or 3 € EURO postage and (if you can afford it) some small sponsoring to help the organisation and pay for the postage. All money goes to the locals.
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