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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: EQSL, EB7DX |
20140116 0928UTC 14212kHz 2W0VOW
Date : 16/Jan/2014 0928UTC
Freq : 14212kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
ながすぎ・・・ : (
My name is Beth, and I am from the west coast of Wales. I passed my foundation licence MW6VOW in June 2012 after many years of procrastination. I have now upgraded to 2W0VOW at the begining of february 2013 .
Equipment here is a Flex-3000 , Kenwood TS-480HX and Yaesu FT-920. For antennas, I started off using my home built 3/4 wavelength 40 meter band wire (30m), with 1/4 wave counterpoise (10m). I then got a 2 el quad with 5 bands (thanks Steve). My latest antenna project has been my new SteppIR DB18 - a 3 element yagi with two active elements on 40, one element on 30, and 3 elements from 20 - 6 meter bands. You can see pictures of the SteppIR installation below here. I still have all the antennas mentioned above, but use the SteppIR most of the time.
Thanks for stopping by my page. If you have worked me on one of the bands, thanks for the QSO and look forward to many more QSO's
QSL INFO: Please NO QSL via the bureau. QSL to eQSL or to my QSL manager EB7DX with $ 2 USD or 1 IRC and $ 1
Many thanks to Lyn VK4SWE, I received this beautiful pink key in the mail today - thanks Lyn !!!!
and thanks to John, ZS5J for the Bencher paddle key 
The shack March 2013, with the new Flex-3000 and dual monitors
I was recently issued with a 5 year licence to operate from Mozambique with the callsign C91B
New tower, right after it had been installed 
Tower modified to accept the new SteppIR DB 18, with Prosistel rotator
Getting the new SteppIR onto the tower
John, ZS5J flew over to help with the tower and antenna - seen here on the ladder - September 2012
Dad and daughter
Big thanks to my dad and also John ZS5J for helping would never have happened without them
SteppIR DB 18, a 6.9 Mhz - 54.0 Mhz beam antenna up in the air .
My 2nd operator MØUSE a.k.a Mouse
My 2 element 5 band quad - 20/17/15/12/10 meter bands.
Last modified: 2013-08-21 19:11:21, 7388 bytes cached
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