Special Event
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Lookups: 15954
20140115 2008UTC 10117kHz K3Y/1
Date : 15/Jan/2014 2008UTC
Freq : 10117kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
K3Y, the Straight Key Century Club's annual January celebration, commemorates the club's founding following the American Radio Relay League's Straight Key Night in January 2006. A small group of participants wanted to extend the fun of SKN. The SKCC is the result.
The on-air party is open to members and non-members alike. It runs from 00:00 UTC Jan. 2, 2014, to 23:59 UTC Jan. 31, 2014. It's a great time to introduce others to the joys of hand-crafted Morse code using straight keys, bugs, and side swipers.
It's also a great time to make progress toward SKCC operating awards, in addition to the participation certificate you can earn for contacting K3Y stations. Any QSO with a K3Y station can be used toward club awards, as long as the award application reflects both stations' normal call signs.
Special QSL cards also will be available after the event ends to serve as a record of the K3Y stations you've contacted.
SKCC non-US members will be joining stations from US call regions as special-event stations. DX operators will be coordinated based on IARU continents. Some DX special-event stations will be able to use their own special-event calls, such as PH6SKCC, if their licensing authorities allow it. But all DX special-event stations will send CQ K3Y before giving their call.
For QSL information, see here: http://www.skccgroup.com/k3y/K3Y_card.php
For more information about the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC), please visit the club's website at http://www.skccgroup.com
Specifc information about the K3Y celebration can be found at http://www.skccgroup.com/k3y/index.php
For more information about the SKCC or the K3Y special event, please contact:
AF2Z at AF2Z@SKCCgroup.com
AC2C at AC2C@SKCCgroup.com
The on-air party is open to members and non-members alike. It runs from 00:00 UTC Jan. 2, 2014, to 23:59 UTC Jan. 31, 2014. It's a great time to introduce others to the joys of hand-crafted Morse code using straight keys, bugs, and side swipers.
It's also a great time to make progress toward SKCC operating awards, in addition to the participation certificate you can earn for contacting K3Y stations. Any QSO with a K3Y station can be used toward club awards, as long as the award application reflects both stations' normal call signs.
Special QSL cards also will be available after the event ends to serve as a record of the K3Y stations you've contacted.
SKCC non-US members will be joining stations from US call regions as special-event stations. DX operators will be coordinated based on IARU continents. Some DX special-event stations will be able to use their own special-event calls, such as PH6SKCC, if their licensing authorities allow it. But all DX special-event stations will send CQ K3Y before giving their call.
For QSL information, see here: http://www.skccgroup.com/k3y/K3Y_card.php
For more information about the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC), please visit the club's website at http://www.skccgroup.com
Specifc information about the K3Y celebration can be found at http://www.skccgroup.com/k3y/index.php
For more information about the SKCC or the K3Y special event, please contact:
AF2Z at AF2Z@SKCCgroup.com
AC2C at AC2C@SKCCgroup.com
Last modified: 2013-12-07 03:03:28, 2188 bytes cached
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