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20130327 0655UTC 14009.3kHz HD2A
Date : 27/Mar/2013 0655UTC
Freq : 14009.3kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Soon..JAs pileUP!!!
Tnx fer Nice Contact!!! ..
I found you when I must be need reboot my PC... because I am using PC keying
90sec later... Lock on your signal...Please listen big signal in JA!!!
QSLing information at the end of this page.
The HD2A CONTEST TEAM, was created few years ago in our QTH, Guayaquil-Ecuador, South America by some members of the HUANCAVILCA RADIO CLUB and our goal is to beactive in the major world wide radio ham contests.
The name of our main contest station is "SAPO LOCO" (Sapo= frog; Loco = crazy) in honor to Alfredo, H C 2 S L.
Is located at the "Quinta LA GUADALUPE", 32 Kms (20 Mls) North of Guayaquil, a beautiful place with amazing scenery, next to the DAULE river. Is an small vacational ranch, but with enough area to raise antennas for all ham bands.
We try to be
representing the HC Amateur Radio Hams in the major radio contests.
Team Members are:
Francisco Diaz Granados, HC2GF; Roberto Marcos, HC2GT; Omar Ramos, HC2OR; Alberto Pincay, HC2AQ; Alfredo Solines , HC2SL, ("Sapo Loco" / Crazy Frog), who also performs as captain of the team.
Our Rigs:
FT901DM; TS430, TS440, TS940, TS2000, TS590, and of course the ones belonging to our team mates, used during a contetst.
Lineal Amplifiers:
Dentron Clipperton L, TL922, SB200, SB220, Drake L7 and Alfredo's Henry.
5 elements Yagi monobanders 10 and 20. 4 elements Yagi for 15m. 2 elements Yagi for 40m. A fixed 1/2wave 2 wire elements for 40m. Also inverted V for 80 and 160, full lenght delta loop for 160, vertical for 160m, plus an receiver antenna for low bands, long wire when necessary and dipoles for the Warc bands.
In the picture bellow: Alfredo Solines, H C 2 Sapo Loco
the captain of the team, well known CWer and winner of several WW CW contests at different bands.
Important QSLing Information:
QSL Bureau is not working in Ecuador, so only direct QSL cards can be answered if they come with SAE and sufficient green stamps.or IRCs.
For AF, AS, EU, OC stations: currencies rates 2 USD does not cover airmail.
Thanks for visiting this page, hope 2 CU soon in the log. 73, HD2A TEAM
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