Kenneth Hemstedt
Esbern Snares Gade 3, 2.th. Copenhagen V 1725 Denmark [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 20567 Ham Member
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20130324 1422UTC 14009kHz OZ1IKY
Date : 24/Mar/2013 1422UTC
Freq : 14009kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Tnx fer 1st QSO 73's : ) sorry weak sig : (
Picture above is from 3D2A / 3D2DX trip in 2011, mounting the 5 band Spiderbeam in Nadi, Viti Levu.
Born in the summer of 1964. Licensed since 1982.
Grown up in the very south-western part of the country. Soenderjylland - and proud of it! Second language is German, and Nordfriesich/Platdütsch - and of course English.
Grown up in the very south-western part of the country. Soenderjylland - and proud of it! Second language is German, and Nordfriesich/Platdütsch - and of course English.
Since April 2011 - Elecraft K3-driver! Love that RIG!
QSL MANAGER FOR OZ7A and OZ7AMG - just use the bureau, thats fine. If You need it for award etc. then to my adress above. Remember the IRC for return postage. Else I will just put it to the bureau .
I prefer good old fashioned QSL cards in my hand. It is always nice to see a good old fashioned QSL card from a DX-pedition isnt it? But I am uploading all to LOTW andeQSL, because I do very regular uploads!
JW/OZ1IKY - Svalbard trip 23 to 27 of July 2010 - See at the Bottom
- All QSL cards have been shipped via bureau October 2010, eQSL.cc (AG) and LOTW has been uploaded
- All QSL cards have been shipped via bureau October 2010, eQSL.cc (AG) and LOTW has been uploaded
Part of the record-breaking team at OZ5E in the CQ WW CW in 2010 Multi-2
- great fun together with OZ1ETA, OZ2BRN, OZ2KL, YT2T and OZ7AM. - To the next one, where a record needs broken!
- great fun together with OZ1ETA, OZ2BRN, OZ2KL, YT2T and OZ7AM. - To the next one, where a record needs broken!
3D2DX Fiji - 15 to 30 of March 2011 - See at the Bottom, after Svalbard
QSL cards for bureau has been shipped August 20'th 2011, also QSO's are on eQSL.cc (AG) and LOTW.
My first real DXpedition; outside Europe. Had a wounderfull time together with Eddie and Rocky! Worth doing again!
QSL cards for bureau has been shipped August 20'th 2011, also QSO's are on eQSL.cc (AG) and LOTW.
My first real DXpedition; outside Europe. Had a wounderfull time together with Eddie and Rocky! Worth doing again!
Part of the record-breaking team at OZ5E in the CQ WW CW in 2011 Multi-Multi
- great fun together with OZ1ETA, OZ2BRN, DJ3CQ, OZ1FJB and OZ7AM.
Thanks for the opportunity to Andrew OZ1XJ and Jan OZ1ADL - GREAT STATION
- great fun together with OZ1ETA, OZ2BRN, DJ3CQ, OZ1FJB and OZ7AM.
Thanks for the opportunity to Andrew OZ1XJ and Jan OZ1ADL - GREAT STATION
Part of the PJ4C team, January 2012
Look on www.PJ4C.com
- This was absolutly a great trip. Lots of pile-up, lots of radio. And we had a lot of fun together A great team.
Look on www.PJ4C.com
- This was absolutly a great trip. Lots of pile-up, lots of radio. And we had a lot of fun together A great team.
Part of the 5P12EU team from January to June 2012 - Special Event Callsign
Special Callsign used under the Danish leadership of the EU the first part of 2012.
Special Callsign used under the Danish leadership of the EU the first part of 2012.
All 9 Islands Hunt - All 9 Azores Islands, September 2012
This was a great expirience! Alex (OZ7AM) and I had the great opportunity to be a part of this event. Thanks to Martti and Francisco.
We had the great privillige to be on Ilha Do Pico (Pico Island) and activate CU6GRP. Thanks to both Martti and Francisco
- but also a big thanks to Jorge CU6AB and his great team on Pico. We will miss You - and hope to return one day.
We had the great privillige to be on Ilha Do Pico (Pico Island) and activate CU6GRP. Thanks to both Martti and Francisco
- but also a big thanks to Jorge CU6AB and his great team on Pico. We will miss You - and hope to return one day.
Have a look at www.visitazores.com and here http://azores-islands-hunt.com/
Part of the record-breaking team at OZ5E in the CQ WW CW in 2012 Multi-Multi
YES - we once again broke our previous record from last year. This year with a bigger team.
Once again Thanks for the opportunity to Andrew OZ1XJ and Jan OZ1ADL - GREAT STATION.
But also a big thanks to people like Ole OZ1LCG and Kim OZ1JUX for being there and helping
YES - we once again broke our previous record from last year. This year with a bigger team.
Once again Thanks for the opportunity to Andrew OZ1XJ and Jan OZ1ADL - GREAT STATION.
But also a big thanks to people like Ole OZ1LCG and Kim OZ1JUX for being there and helping
AWARDS - so far; WAC, DXCC (200), WAS, WAE, WAZ, WPX (CW and SSB)
Working hard on the Worked All Japan (WAJA) and my 9 band DXCC
Working hard on the Worked All Japan (WAJA) and my 9 band DXCC
- the little WW-2 radio at the museum of the Danish Resistance. The radio is a thru replica of the original WW-2 radio! CW and 5-10 watts only and main bands are 40 and 30 meters, Ladies and Gentlemen! WW-2 QRP!!
- Oscar Zulu 1 Royal Danish Navy - The Fregate HDMS Peder Skram, now a museum ship. Using the old Navy Rigs! Up to 400 watts on HF, in to some nice GP's on the ship it self. Great Ground Planes (the whole harbour!) Great Operations Platform!
It's a visit worth, also for none Navy folks like me! She's a beuaty! EX-Army-dude' I am you know, which is told to me gently by the real Navy-people around here ;o)
- Oscar Zulu 1 Royal Danish Navy - The Fregate HDMS Peder Skram, now a museum ship. Using the old Navy Rigs! Up to 400 watts on HF, in to some nice GP's on the ship it self. Great Ground Planes (the whole harbour!) Great Operations Platform!
It's a visit worth, also for none Navy folks like me! She's a beuaty! EX-Army-dude' I am you know, which is told to me gently by the real Navy-people around here ;o)
www.pederskram.dk for more info - sorry mainly in Danish.
And sometimes just having fun with the hobby at fielddays or contest,
see fx. OZ5LKO www.oz5lko.dk (Loegumkloster - in Soenderjylland - one is still a bit local-patriot!) or OZ7AMG / OZ7A www.oz7amg.dk - or when we try to defend the colours in the IARU Contest .
Here as OZ1HQ on 40 meters SSB in 2009. And as one of the operators on 20 meters CW in 2010, 2011 & 2012.
The 3 OZ's where OZ1AA (OY3AA) Thomas (Tom), OZ7AM, Alex and OZ1IKY Kenneth (thats me!).
We had some great times up there on Svalbard Island. Mathias JW5NM (SK) has made a great station up there. We just added a lot of fun and a GP for 30 and 17 meters to this set-up. Thanks to Jesper, OX3KQ for borrowing us the Ameritron transistor AMP. I guess with this AMP Alex made a lot of people happy on 30 meters with it!!
We had some great times up there on Svalbard Island. Mathias JW5NM (SK) has made a great station up there. We just added a lot of fun and a GP for 30 and 17 meters to this set-up. Thanks to Jesper, OX3KQ for borrowing us the Ameritron transistor AMP. I guess with this AMP Alex made a lot of people happy on 30 meters with it!!
I mostly did 17 meters and at the end some great but strange 6 meter opening. I guess the position (78 north, 13 east) in JQ78 makes it strange anyway?
Yes - the groundplane in the water was our antenna for 17 meters (30 meter GP looked simular) - and yes we made all contacts "barefootted" 100 watts on 17 meters. Even got a QSO, as promised, with Fernando, Z21BB thru a pile-up on 17 meters with 100 watts.
Yes - the groundplane in the water was our antenna for 17 meters (30 meter GP looked simular) - and yes we made all contacts "barefootted" 100 watts on 17 meters. Even got a QSO, as promised, with Fernando, Z21BB thru a pile-up on 17 meters with 100 watts.
QSL Cards are made by Tony LZ1JZ - Beautiful and high Quality - Thanks Tony! Beautiful Job!
I have of course uploaded my logbook on eQSL and LOTW.
I have of course uploaded my logbook on eQSL and LOTW.
Oh boy! DXing from the other side of the Globe!
Not last time here - this was GREEEAAAT FUN! Thanks to Eddie VK4AN/3D2A and Rocky 3D2DD for all the help and compagnion-ship!
Thanks to Danish DX Group, Pacific DX'ers and Spiderbeam in Germany and the US for the great support
Thanks to Danish DX Group, Pacific DX'ers and Spiderbeam in Germany and the US for the great support
3D2DX made close to 4000 QSO's with a little IC-706 MKIIG and only 100 watts. Antennas were a Spiderbeam and a DX-88 about 18 to 25 meters over ground. So don't say that you need a KILOWATT to do anything seriously from the Pacific!! Made a lot of Europeans - actually over 34 procent of all QSO's - with 100 watt's only!!
In all the team (VK4AN & OZ1IKY) made over 10000 QSO, and participated in both the BARTG RTTY, a little in the RDXC and of course the CQ WPX SSB 2011 - A lot of first time QSO's on both 12 and 30 meter for many HAM's out there
In all the team (VK4AN & OZ1IKY) made over 10000 QSO, and participated in both the BARTG RTTY, a little in the RDXC and of course the CQ WPX SSB 2011 - A lot of first time QSO's on both 12 and 30 meter for many HAM's out there
DXpedition in a big size team! Woauh! And besides getting back the RTTY record; we had a lot of fun. The F6KOP Team was a great new expirience!
This was not actually a big stile DXpedition. But more like an event to activate all 9 Ilsands of the Azores. And Alex OZ7AM and I was lucky to be a part of this event. Also lucky to be put on CU6 Pico Island with Jorge CU6AB as our host and actually great helper in many smaller an bigger things.
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