Grant McDuling
14 Trevi Street Jindalee, QLD, 4074 Australia [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130327 0929UTC 14057.5kHz VK4JAZ
Date : 27/Mar/2013 0929UTC
Freq : 14057.5kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Tnx fer 1st Contact..73's : )
I am a writer and author by profession and have written 40 books so far.
I spent 14 years as an officer in the South African Navy, serving in a range of ships and am now an officer in the Royal Australian Navy Reserve. I am also a member of the Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society, the Wireless Institute of Australia, SKCC, Feld Hell Club (FH 3022) and North American QRP CW Club.
I like CW and use German Navy Junkers Key that was used at Sydney Radio (Australian Maritime Coastal Station callsign VIS), situated in the suburb of La Perouse until it closed itś doors in 1996, as well as a 100 year old GPO straight key that was ex-navy (my Uncle, a career telegrasphist in the navy gave it to me years ago). I have also built a cw touchkeyer, which is a fantastic paddle. I have an MFJ-564B paddle which I find excellent, once I had sorted it out. My latest keys are is a Czech military straight key, which is so smooth to use, a Touchkeyer Model P3K and a Whiterook MK 44.
The picture (left) is of me operating in the wireless office of the RANs WW11 frigate HMAS Diamantina.
I am interested in QRP and building kits and use an Elecraft KX1, a Rock Mite 20m, a Rock Mite 80m, a DC40A, a Small Wonder Labs PSK20 and a Pixie 2. My main rig is a Yaesu FT-450.
I am active on 2m. My hand held is a 2m Yeasu FT-250R.
My antennas include a 20m-10m dipole and a Diamond A502HB yagi for 6m.
I am enjoying the digital modes too. Check out my blog at http://vk4jaz.wordpress.com
I am also a LoTW and eQSL member chasing DXCC and WAS.
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