P.O BOX 3040 NOUMEA 98846 New Caledonia [+] Mailing label | ||
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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA LZ1JZ |
20121228 1641UTC 7006kHz FK8DD
Date : 28/Dec/2012 1641UTC
Freq : 7006kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
ANT : LOOP(for 20m not enough Gain)
PC recording
FK8DD grid locator:
RG37FS (22°14'29S 166°26'01E)
QSL via:
P.O BOX 185
P.O BOX 185
Rig: Yaesu FT-857 in mobile and FT-897 at home, Ant: SpiderBeam 10/12/15/17/20m, 30/40m dipole,
2el HB9CV 50Mhz, MFJ-1526N VHF/UHF antenna.
My direct address:
BOX 3040 NOUMEA 98846
***My logbook online at the end of this page***
Also QSL manager for TX8KA, special event call of ARANC radioclub
5bands Spiderbeam on low position, at 2.50 meter on the roof.
The Spiderbeam at 15 meter above the ground.
10m whip in front of the car, and 20m band whip in the back of the roof.
This spot called "Tour Mobilis" is located on a small mountain, on the
Noumea-city highs, and it's about 116m above the sea level.
There are 4 antennas supports on my car with SO-239 and 3/8 base connectors.
On july 31st 2012 and 02nd of august, i've tested this Buddistick antenna
on 20m band, directly mounted on the trimagnet support at the rear part
of the car. Keep in mind that all the settings here-below and adjustments
have been made by considering the various connections between devices
(transceiver, low pass filter, Tuner/swr-meter and of course the dualposition
antenna's switch).
For all bands: Coil lenght 11.5 cm (4.53 in.) and One small arm 27.5cm (10.83 in.)
20m, adjust long whip lenght to 228 cm (89.76 in.) clip to red tap 13 turns
20m band entirely covered from 14000 to 14350 khz, swr <1.1
17m, adjust long whip length to 183 cm (72.05 in.) clip to green tap 11 turns
17m band entirely covered from 18068 to 18168 khz, swr <1.1
15m, adjust long whip length to 199 cm (78.35 in.) clip to black tap 7 turns
15m band entirely covered from 21000 to 21450 khz, swr less than <1.3
10m, adjust long whip length to 219 cm (86.22 in.) clip to yellow tap 2turns
10m band entirely covered from 28000 to 29000 khz, swr lest than <1.3
Find the long whip (10 ft) on Buddipole website, see link below
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