Siegfried (Sigi) Hari
also DK9FN, HA2EOW TEMOTU PROVINCE Solomon Islands [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 59344
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20121228 0746UTC 14005kHz H40FN
Date : 28/Dec/2012 0746UTC
Freq : 14005kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Thanks new one!!
Next H4ØFN DX-Expedition will take place December 22nd, 2012 - January 07th, 2013
Today, December 17th, 2012: Everything is packed and organized. Ready to go on Dec. 19th from Frankfurt Airport.
Please check the website of my friend Peter DG1FK. He will try to install an information corner until Christmas about up-to-date information of my expedition. I will be in contact with him during my Temotu stay via radio mail so he can publish every day the news about my activity. ----> www.mydarc.de/dg1fk/ and search for the "TEMOTU" button
Preferred QRG: 1825 KHz (My RX will go up & down 4 KHz); on other bands pse up 1 to 5 KHz: 3505 KHz, 7005 KHz, 14005 KHz, 18075 KHz, 21005 KHz, 24905 KHz, 28005 KHz. QRG subject to change according to QRM or local conditions.
Note for 160m: TX QRG for me starts on 1.825 MHz upwards. So I will call on 1825.1 KHz and listen 1 to 4 KHz up and down (RX window 1821-1829 KHz). Or listen to my advice during CQ-ing.
Note for 30m: Solomon Authority did not allow 30m activity for me. Still try to get also permission for 30m band. Unlike IARU Region 3 advice to permit 30m band the Solomon Government claims advanced local radio activity around 10 MHz between all the many Islands because of lack of telefon connections.
Note for 6 m: TX QRG for me starts on 52.0 MHz upwards. So I will call on 52.001 MHz and I will listen on 1 to 3 KHz up and also on 50.100 MHz in split.
Equipment planned:
ICOM IC 7000 (100 W)
Elecraft KX3 (10 W) spare TVR
PA WiMo HLV-300 Plus (280 W)
Power Supply MEANWELL 14 Volt / 100 A)
Power Supply WIMO 13,8 Volt / 30 A
Vertical Center Fed L-Antenna K2KQ for 160/80/40m (360°)
2-Element W8JK for 40-6m, fixed facing JA and EU (good for EU Short Pass and Long Pass)
1-Element DJ4VM Loop 4 x 5m for 20-6m (=Lazy H) fixed facing 45° America and 225° Australia
Antenna masts made of 12-14m long bamboo extended with 5m fibreglass fishing rod which fits into my suitcase
All-in-all luggage: 1 pc handluggage pilot-briefcase 16 kg; plus suitcase 21 kg and a 9 kg bag.
QSL manager is: HA8DD
Rudnay György u. 53.
Please NO EMAILS to advice me to do SKEDS or QSY or asking whether QSO is in the log ! I DO NOT ANSWER !
H4ØFN = mainly CW (occasionally SSB)
Please read the advice given in: www.dx-code.org
QSL rules: There is no need to send direct QSL cards since all QSO will be confirmed automatically via buro free of charge. So for those who want to have the QSL card directly via mail please add minimum 3 US $ which includes a donation for children and suffering people of TEMOTU. Please no IRC !!! Hams who do not participate in the TEMOTU donation activity with less than 3 US $ will be excluded from the QSL direct delivery (only via buro).
A donation about 700 US $ was contributed in February 2012 to the TEMOTU hospital Director of Nursing Mr. Augustine Belve as a result of donations from direct QSL deliveries by H4ØFK and H4ØFN. Thanks for a few $ extra in your letters. Also remember that I do not take over any responsibility for lost letters or disappeared $ content, which happened rather often with letters.
About RST: Please use real and true RST reports.
NO commercial sponsors wanted for my personal ham pleasure.
Sponsors who want to support the TEMOTU children hospital without expecting commercial benefits are most welcome. Thanks to WiMo-Antennas/Germany and PERMO Electronics/Norway.
Thanks to Singapore Airlines for all the reliable flights in the past and for 10 kg extra free sports luggage.
Important: In order to avoid my QRT because of QRM please keep in mind that I will switch off my radio if there is no discipline on the band or if one guy is bothering me by doing QRM I will exclude his whole country for the rest of the operation. In February 2012 it happened with CT and LU.
Please reply only once or twice your call sign when I call "QRZ" or "UP" !
Do not hammer continiously your callsign 5-10 times even I'm being in QSO with others.
My call saying "UP 1/5" means please spread out 1-5 KHz up and stay on one frequency stable. I will go up and down within this section to pick out one after the other. Remember, I always do RX-QSY after each QSO and I do not answer a call on the same frequency I just worked before.
It makes no sense to give me advice via DX cluster or email since I don't have access to internet and I also do not follow your advice or answering questions on the band like QSY x-band?, QRV when?
My weapon to fight back against rule ignorers is NOT to send a QSL card.
More information and fotos about the last expeditions to TEMOTU are given on my webside www.hari-ham.com
Information about H4ØFK (Peter who was doing PSK and RTTY in the past): www.mydarc.de/dg1fk/
Lookups | 59344 (67999) |
QRZ Admin | DL2GAC |
Last Update | 2012-02-28 07:07:06 |
Latitude | -10.718551 (10° 43' 6'' S) |
Longitude | 165.687668 (165° 41' 15'' E) |
Grid Square | RH29ug |
Geo Source | User supplied |
Bearing | 139.9° SE (from JJ5IZX) |
Distance | 3701.5 mi (5956.9 km) |
Long Path | 21155.4 mi (34046.3 km) |
Sunrise | 18:34:18 UTC |
Sunset | 07:19:18 UTC |
ITU Zone | 51 |
CQ Zone | 32 |
IOTA | OC-100 Nendo Island |
Web Page | http://www.hari-ham.com |
QSL by Mail? | Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?) |
QSL by eQSL? | No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?) |
Uses LOTW? | No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW?) |
Apply for a new Vanity callsign... |
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