Craig Edwards
PO Box 2160 Goolwa, SA 5214 Australia
Email: Use mouse to view..
Ham Member Lookups: 67493
20140829 1059UTC 18150kHz VK5CE/8
Date : 29/Aug/2014 1059UTC
Freq : 18150kHz USB
PC recording
VK5CE/8 DXpedition to Bathurst Island IOTA OC-173 August 26-29 2014
***** NO internet or mobile phone access on the island, DO NOT send email requests or DX cluster requests as I won't be able to see them *****
Visit http://oc173.blogspot.com
VK6ISL DXpedition to Sandy Islet (Scott Reef) IOTA OC-294 September 16-19 2014
Team is VK5CE - VE3LYC - PA3EXX - KD1CT. This IOTA has never been activated, last VK IOTA never activated!
Visit http://vk6isl.weebly.com (for VK6ISL QSL via VE3LYC)
VK5CE/4 DXpedition to Red Island IOTA OC-255 October 16-21 2013
Visit http://oc255.blogspot.com
VK5CE/P DXpedition to Flinders Island (South Australia) IOTA OC-261 August 15-21 2013
Visit http://oc261.blogspot.com
VK8BI DXpedition to Bremer Island IOTA OC-185 April 18 - 23 2012
Visit http://oc185.blogspot.com
VK4LDX/P DXpedition to Magnetic Island IOTA OC-171 December 10 - 12 2010 & April 18 - 20 2011
Visit http://vk4ldxoc171.blogspot.com
VK4LDX/P DXpedition to Horn Island IOTA OC-138 March 10 - 14 2011
Visit http://vk4ldxoc138.blogspot.com
VK4LDX/P DXpedition to Fitzroy Island IOTA OC-172 October 16 - 22 2010
Visit http://vk4ldxoc172.blogspot.com
QSL Policy:

***** NO internet or mobile phone access on the island, DO NOT send email requests or DX cluster requests as I won't be able to see them *****
Visit http://oc173.blogspot.com
VK6ISL DXpedition to Sandy Islet (Scott Reef) IOTA OC-294 September 16-19 2014
Team is VK5CE - VE3LYC - PA3EXX - KD1CT. This IOTA has never been activated, last VK IOTA never activated!
Visit http://vk6isl.weebly.com (for VK6ISL QSL via VE3LYC)
VK5CE/4 DXpedition to Red Island IOTA OC-255 October 16-21 2013
Visit http://oc255.blogspot.com
VK5CE/P DXpedition to Flinders Island (South Australia) IOTA OC-261 August 15-21 2013
Visit http://oc261.blogspot.com
VK8BI DXpedition to Bremer Island IOTA OC-185 April 18 - 23 2012
Visit http://oc185.blogspot.com
VK4LDX/P DXpedition to Magnetic Island IOTA OC-171 December 10 - 12 2010 & April 18 - 20 2011
Visit http://vk4ldxoc171.blogspot.com
VK4LDX/P DXpedition to Horn Island IOTA OC-138 March 10 - 14 2011
Visit http://vk4ldxoc138.blogspot.com
VK4LDX/P DXpedition to Fitzroy Island IOTA OC-172 October 16 - 22 2010
Visit http://vk4ldxoc172.blogspot.com
QSL Policy:
- OQRS: Online QSL request via Club Log is avaiable for VK5CE/P OC261, VK5CE/4 OC255 and VK5CE/8 OC173 (see DXpedition website links above)
- DIRECT: if you send a self-addressed envelope with an IRC or US$3, I with send your QSL direct (VK operators just send a SASE). It requires US$3 now due to airmail price increases in VK. If you send an IRC, make sure it is stamped on the left hand side otherwise your QSL card will be sent via the bureau. If your IRC is not stamped on the left hand side, my post office will not accept it. If you send less than $3, your QSL will be sent via the bureau.
- DONATIONS: Any donations will be used to fund future DXpeditons
- BUREAU: QSL's sent to me via the bureau will be returned via the bureau
- I do not do eQSL or LOTW, but I will start to do LOTW for VK5CE/8 OC173 later in the year
1206187 Last modified: 2014-08-22 22:13:25, 10552 bytes
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