Joshua Logan(JOSH) PO BOX 1715 Dayton, NV 89403 USA [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130910 1419UTC 14010kHz N7XM
Date : 09/Sep/2013 1419UTC
Freq : 14010kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
All USA and CANADA stations can send QSL directly to my QRZ.COM
address in Nevada with Self Addressed Stamped envelope or confirm Electronically with LOTW ( Log of the World )
All DX stations ( outside USA/ Canada) please QSL via W3HNK
This is EFFECTIVE beginning MAY 2013
You have 3 options :
1) Direct to W3HNK with Self addressed envelope and postage
2) Via W3 Bureau to W3HNK , getting a response via Bureau
3) Confirmation using LOTW - which I personally upload at least twice a month
I am new to LOTW -starting JAN 1, 2013 and beyond.
if we work in CONTEST and you want LOTW ,
send me time,date and FQ since this information
is not uploaded to LOTW ( at this time) - I am not
a contester !
Former Call Signs: WX7K, AA6IT, K2MMS, KN2MMS
I am social DXer . Lover of pounding the Holy Brass - CW !! It's music to my ears!
I know CW is a dying art, but great CW can make the hairs on my arm stand up !
My favorite band is 40m !! But I am getting more interested in 160m now.
Original call was KN2MMS in the late 50s. As teenager was active CW Dxer with NC-300
and Viking Valiant to Mosley TA 33JR and 40m wire vertical running up a tall tree.
I am always learning new things in LIFE -
The best students make the best teachers.
they are TWO Sides of the SAME COIN !!!
Life is eager to meet our expectations !
Antennas : at 33 meters: 2el on each band 30 / 40 meters
at 30 meters: 3 el on 20m, 4 el on 15 meters
80m has Delta loop hanging off tower Apex at 22 meters,
for 160m the tower is shunt fed , with radials on the ground.
Using 4 el vertical array on Receive on 160/80m made by HI Z antennas -
the elements are homebrew .
I have all 40 zones CONFIRMED on each of these BANDS
80, 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10 meters
160 m (TOP BAND) is a work in progress !
As KN2MMS in late 50s my first Transmitter was crystal controlled
World Radio Labs 680A using single 6146 ( I used light bulb as dummy load )
In the early years , KN2MMS - Globe Scout 680A and Hammarlund HQ-100
age about 12 years . My early " Elmers" were just a little older than me:
Jerry K2TNI ( now N4JR) and Dan K2YWE ( still same call) - both
still active and very skilled Operators !
Photo below is me at age 16, Call Sign was K2MMS
Below is recent PHOTO of "moi " - over 50 years later!
My RECEIVER as teenager (K2MMS). Weight 26 kgs National NC-300
Below is my teenage Transmitter Viking Valiant using 3 X 6146 in the final
LogiKeyer ( homebrew with 18 memories ) - paddles from left to right :
Palm Radio ( mounted on wooden block ) , N0SA iambic , N0SA iambic
Operating position today : Nye Viking Tuner, K3 , LP-100A watt meter
and (on Top) is ALPHA 78 highly modified for dual 3XCP800s, and hypersil
transformer ( reducing weight about 8 Kgs ) . Left top is Green Heron
controller for Prop Pitch rotor at tower top .
The Elecraft K3 is a great radio ! and improvements keep coming in Firmware Updates
The LOW BAND MONITOR ( monthly bulletin ) used to have informal
contest for Longest mileage WAC on 160 meters
One season I got lucky and came in second to Larry K1UO
who had 48,000+ miles ( see below)
Other interests : Alternative Medicine, Ketogenic Diet, Fitness and Healing, Paleo Diet, Meditation , Movies ( Science Fiction ) .
Day hiking in the nearby Mountains , enjoying the great Outdoors.
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