Unio de Radioaficionats de Catalunya, URCat P.O. BOX 83, E08120 La Llagosta (Barcelona) CATALONIA Spain [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 686
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20130910 2126UTC 14017.2kHz ED3URC
Date : 10/Sep/2013 2126UTC
Freq : 14017.2kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
He said..vy QRN QRN..QRT.. Please next time..: )
Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya URCat announces several radio activities in the Catalonia's National Day on September 11th.
The special event station ED3URC will be on air from the URCat headquarters on Sep 10 and 11th on all HF bands and DStar, available at ED3YAK C.
An special QSL has been issued for this event and will be sent by mail to all stations contacting ED3URC. Please send your QSL to URCat and we will send you back the special QSL. No bureau. No need for self addressed or paid envelope.
The special event station ED3URC will be on air from the URCat headquarters on Sep 10 and 11th on all HF bands and DStar, available at ED3YAK C.
An special QSL has been issued for this event and will be sent by mail to all stations contacting ED3URC. Please send your QSL to URCat and we will send you back the special QSL. No bureau. No need for self addressed or paid envelope.
Contact ED3URC at Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya, PO Box 83, E-08120 La Llagosta (Barcelona) CATALONIA.
This year 2013 pro-independence supporters prepare a 400 km-long human chain across Catalonia on September 11th afternoon.
First, URCAT has invited to the radio amateurs involved in the human chain to operate their VHF/UHF walkie-talkie to get connected along the path. Five analog FM repeaters and one DSTAR repeater (ED3YAK C) have been pointed out as meeting place.
Secondly The Catalan Way radio amateur HF Net will take place on September 10th at 20h UTC. Frequency 3.722,5 Khz. The Net can be monitored at Andorra's SDR receiver http://ardam-andorra.no-ip.org:8901/
Additional information at Radioaficionats.cat
73 de Unio de Radioaficionats de Catalunya, URCat
This year 2013 pro-independence supporters prepare a 400 km-long human chain across Catalonia on September 11th afternoon.
First, URCAT has invited to the radio amateurs involved in the human chain to operate their VHF/UHF walkie-talkie to get connected along the path. Five analog FM repeaters and one DSTAR repeater (ED3YAK C) have been pointed out as meeting place.
Secondly The Catalan Way radio amateur HF Net will take place on September 10th at 20h UTC. Frequency 3.722,5 Khz. The Net can be monitored at Andorra's SDR receiver http://ardam-andorra.no-ip.org:8901/
Additional information at Radioaficionats.cat
73 de Unio de Radioaficionats de Catalunya, URCat
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