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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: HOME CALL ADDRESS FOR K5KG |
20130215 2157UTC 14029kHz PJ4/K5KG
Date : 15/Feb/2013 2157UTC
Freq : 14029kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Here is my ham radio background:
I was first licensed in October 1957 in Kokomo, Indiana as KN9KBW. I have held an Amateur Extra Class License since 1967 (W5QHD), and K5KG since 1976.
In my early years as a ham, I was active in Dx’ing, CW traffic handling and Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS).
As an Eagle Scout, I worked in the trading post at the National Jamboree in Colorado Springs, and spent all of my off-hours with the K0BSA crew.
From 1967 to 1970, I was employed as a field engineer for Collins Radio Company in Asmara, Ethiopia. During this time I was active in the local Amateur Radio Club, ET3USA, and for one year served as the club president. I was active in all major DX contests from ET3USA during this time. I was able to visit in 5Z4, 5X4, 5H3, 5R, FR and 3B8 during my time in Ethiopia.
From 1973 to 1976, I lived in Anchorage, Alaska and worked for Exxon as Computing Operations Manager during the building of the Alaskan oil pipeline. During this time I was active as KL7IDH. A ZL gave me the phoenics of "Igloo Dog House"!
From 1981 to 1986, I worked for Exxon in Saudi Arabia. During this time I was active from the Dhahran Amateur Radio Club station, HZ1AB.
In 1986 and 1987, I worked for Exxon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was an active DX’er and contester as both LU6KG and K5KG/LU.
In 1998, I was a member of the 15-person 3B7RF DX’pedition to St. Brandon and Mauritius. In advance of the 3-day motor vessel trip to 3B7, I was able to operate (3B8/K5KG) from the QTH of Jacky, 3B8CF. It was a pleasure getting to know Jacky and his lovely family.
Since 2000, I have made 11 visits to the island of Dominica, where I operate as J75KG, J7A and J7OJ. Of recent, these operations have been with other hams, including NA2U, K5AF, WI9WI, K3TEJ, KK9K and W4IX. We are planning a 5-man (K5KG, KK9K, WI9WI, W4IX and K1XX) operation in February 2007 for ARRL DX CW, with heavy emphasis on 160 and 80m.
In November 2005, we had the pleasure of spending 5 weeks touring in Australia and New Zealand. We operated the CQWW CW contest from the Manly Warringa Radio Society station, VK2MB, using our newly-issued call sign, VK2GC. VK2CZ, VK2IA, VK2JNA and the other members of the MWRS made that operation possible. When in ZL, we spent a pleasant evening with Graeme, ZL1ANH, and were able to run some 40 and 20 meter pile ups as ZL/K5KG.
In addition to the above operations, I have also operated under the following calls: 3B8/K5KG, 3B7RF, K5KG/VS6, K5KG/OH0, K5KG/0J0, K5KG/SM, K5KG/HB9, JY8GW, J3ABP and J75KG.
In October 2006, we operated from the home QTH of John and Jeannette Ellis, NP2B/NP2C as KP2/K5KG. QSLs for that operation should go directly to K5KG with an sase.
In November/December 2007, Ron, KK9K and I operated from Rarotonga, South Cook Islands. Calls used were E51MMM (K5KG), E51NNN (KK9K), and E51A in the CQWW CW Contest, and ARRL 160 Contest. All QSLs should be sent directly to K5KG with an SASE.
In July & August, 2010, I worked at the K2BSA station at the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree, in Virginia.
In November 2010, I operated the ARRL Sweepstakes CW contest as K5KG from the QTH of Mark, WB0OAJ / N0UD, in Dickinson, North Dakota. These logs will be posted to LoTW, but if you would like a card direct, pse send a sase to my FL address.
May 2011 - Was QRV from Dominica as J79FCG and J7A, along with Dan, K1TO, Jim, WI9WI, and Chris, NX4N. We worked the CQ WPX CW contest as J7A. QTH was Sea Cliff cottages near Calibishi. Have op'd from there many times, as it is an excellent QTH.
February 2012 - Was QRV from the island of Bonaire in the Dutch Caribbean as PJ4/K5KG. Also operated with 6 other ops in ARRL DX CW Contest as PJ4X.
Professionally, I am degreed electrical engineer and have a graduate degree in business. My career was with Collins Radio, Exxon and Merrill Lynch, where I served in various information technology development and management positions.
This is me in the photo with my second-op, Winnie The Poodle.
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