Dr. Laszlo Radocz
HA0NAR Africa Guinea-Bissau [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 49366
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Emal QSL: HA0NAR |
20130214 0843UTC 14034kHz J5NAR
Date : 14/Feb/2013 0843UTC
Freq : 14034kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Tnx fer QSO 73's :) at 0921UTC!!!
NEWS for 2013:
Exactly one month from now, the J5NAR/6V2R team (HA0DU-Steve and HA0NAR-Laci) will start its journey to Guinea Bissau and Senegal, with the first stop in Cabrousse (South-Senegal). From there, we will drive to Guinea-Bissau and expect to be on the air around 9th of February 2013.
Additionally, we plan to be active (in February 2013) from Carabane island (IOTA AF-078) with callsign 6V2R/P and from Jeta Island (IOTA AF-093) with J5NAR/P.
We would like to remind you that the entire trip and stay on islands is paid in full by each of the operators and that any contribution/support will help us to reduce the high logistical costs.
Our PayPal account is: ha0nar@hotmail.com
QSL for both J5NAR and 6V2R to Laci HA0NAR (direct or via bureau).
More info is available on the www.ha0nar.hu website
Vy 73 Laci HA0NAR
NEWS for 2011:
Online logs for the 2011 DXpedition (6W/HA0NAR, 6W/HA0NAR/P, J5NAR and J5NAR/P) are available now!
Please be careful because of the logs for 2010 and 2011 operations ARE IN DIFERENT FILEs!
We finished our DXpedition on 23rd of February as J5NAR/P (AF093)
You can find more additional information and photos at my WEB-page:
Thanks for the financial support for Clipperton DX Club, ANICO Kft. (Nyíregyháza, Hungary) and YAESU Europe.
We are looking for sponsorships!
Please feel free to enclose a small donation to cover some of the expenses. That would be very much appreciated as the costs for this Dxpedition are unexpectedly high. The charter for the boats, plus costs for generators, fuel, extra equipment, etc.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support!
Direct QSL policy:
Please use SAE and enough contribution for return postage. Please note that 1 USD does NOT cover the cost for a foreign letter, new type (valid) IRC is OK for return postage. The QSL will be answered via the bureau if not sufficient contribution is included.
QSL information:
(1) Via DirectMail QSL with SAE and sufficient return postage to Dr. Laszlo Radocz, 130. Rozsavolgy str., Debrecen-Jozsa, H-4225, Hungary. Requests without sufficient postage will be automatically replied via the bureau.
(2) Via Bureau - send your request via the bureau to HA0NAR. Since this requires bulk mailing, cards will only be sent out beginning approx 6 months after the operation, based on ‘first received, first replied’ service.
I am deeply grateful to my xyl: Susan for her strong and continuous support all along. Peter Brucker(HA3AUI, 6W2SC, J5UAP) is graciously thanked for his logistical help in bringing my West-African project to life.
HA0DU (Steve) and HA0HV (Sanyi) are gratefully outlined for their enthusiasm, encouragement and significant support. Special thanks to F8BBL, G3KMA, HA0HW, HA0LC. I would also like to thank all those who included some support with their QSL request.
Please visit my personal WEB-page at: www.ha0nar.hu
We started from Paris on 30th of January 2010 for a West-African tour.
First stop was in South-Senegal 6W/HA0NAR (incl. AF078 Carabane island as 6W/HA0NAR/P).
After that we were active from Guinea-Bissau as J5NAR.
QSL via home call HA0NAR
73 Laci and Susan (xyl)
Many thanks, 73s
See You soon in the air !
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