Rafal D U N A L
QSL: QSL manager SP9FIH
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Page managed by SQ9CNN Lookups: 23983
Date : 25/Mar/2015 1816UTC
Freq : 14265kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
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<< My ft-450 has damaged driver, only 20W output>>
Active 16th-31st of March 2017 (in Nepal we have now year 2071!)
QSL Manager SP9FIH
QTH: https://pl.airbnb.com/rooms/3022270
Bands: 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m
Modes: SSB and CW (I am not a CW hero!)
Participation in CQ WPX SSB (SOSB LOW 20m or 10m) // because of TRX damage I am not sure if I take part in WPX
Antennas: 2 x Spiderbeam, W3DZZ, 2 el. fixed Yagi for 15m
Very high background noise from Kathmandu - S9 on 40m
Electric power is down for most of the day, so we have to use gasoline generator, do not be surprised when we suddenly stop transmitting, that means that we have to start the generator or feed it with new fuel :).
From the left: Amanda (house keeper), sp2fud -> 9N7FD, sp9fih -> 9N7WE, sq9cnn -> 9N7CC
When the propagation is down...
The team 9N7CC, 9N7WE, 9N7CC (the dust and and pollution in the city is so high that many people wear masks here, we also have local caps and gurkha knife):
1804021 Last modified: 2015-03-22 13:48:46, 2582 bytes
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