Gallows Bay Station, PO BOX 24275
Christiansted, VI 00824-0275
Page managed by K9VV Lookups: 59153
20150321 2035UTC 14002kHz NP2X
Date : 21/Mar/2015 2035UTC
Freq : 14002kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT)
PC recording
NP2X works thousands of folks in contests. Many of those folks want QSL cards. Unfortunately if sufficient return postage is not included (either SASE or green stamps) I am unable to return your QSL. Cards received via the bureau will be answered via the bureau.
Please QSL NP2X
PO Box 1074
Brackettville, TX 78832
Brackettville, TX 78832
Please call when you hear us in any contests. Look forward to working you!!
NP2X/b Beacon InformationThe beacon has been temporarily relocated to a neighbor's house near the NP2X QTH. Particulars about the beacon are:
- Location: St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- Grid: FK77pr
- Frequency: 144.291 MHz
- Elevation: 380 feet AMSL (115 meters AMSL)
- Xcvr: Kenwood TR-751A
- Amplifier: RF Concepts 160 watt, reduced to 100 watts for beacon operation
- Antenna: 15 element yagi @ beam heading of 55 degrees (Portgual)
- Beacon Reports:
- QSLs: Please QSL via my manager: K5WW.
Rack mounted beacon assembly
More Information
The NP2X/b beaconwas graciously supplied, and is owned by, Dave Pedersen, N7BHC /PJ4VHF and Paul, AA4ZZ. Ultimately the beacon will be located to a higher location on a nearby mountain.
The purpose of the beacon is to act as an indicator for enhanced trans-oceanic ducting conditions. For an in-depth discussion of this phenomenon, please see
Dave has kindly constructed these beacons at his own expense and through various beacon “hosts”, such as myself, hopes to strategically place beacons like this around the Atlantic basin. (5T, CU, D4, EA8, St. Barts, V5,VP9 ZD7, ZD8 and ZD9) More information about Dave’s passion, please see his home page at:
The beacon antenna is pointed at Eruope (direction = Portugal) as an indicator of favorable conditions to permit North America to Europe VHF QSOs. It is hoped that ultimately this beacon will be an indicator of conditions favorable for the first North America to Europe QSO (non-satellite or EME), which will qualify for the Brendon Trophy. For an interesting discussion on this, please see
1598213 Last modified: 2015-01-11 13:33:06, 8186 bytes
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