David Clarke
See Below for Correct Address Layout See Below for Correct Address Layout St Helena Island [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 28535 Ham Member
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20131219 2043UTC 14205kHz ZD7DC
Date : 19/Dec/2013 2043UTC
Freq : 14205kHz USB
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Correct Address Layout: David Jeff Clarke (Junior)
P.O Box 136
St Helena Island
STHL 1ZZ See more info below:
Hello, Thank you for visiting my QRZ profile eithier out of general curiosity, or our wonderful QSO. I am a Sixteen Year old operator out of St Helena Island (ZD7), and deeply enjoy running a pile up - taking calls from any DX around the world.
If I'm stuck calling CQ, I would appreciate if put me up on the cluster! Whilst operating on 10m one day, someone told me to "shut up!" and I thought thats not good operating procedures what so ever, so I ask everyone to abide by the DX Code of Conduct - especially when in a pile up so I can get through and allow evryone to put ZD7 in their log. I rarely rag-chew but at times I do engage in longer QSO's, if you have any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them for you.
My working conditions include a Yaesu FT 450, powered by PSW 30, and a G5RV antenna tuned by MFJ 945E. A beam antenna would be preferable, but it isn't credible with possible educational scolarship to the UK very soon. I also looked at automatic tuners (as my rig isnt fitted with one), but reviews scared that idea out of me. If you have advice on these topics, or on my operating methods send them my way (email above).
If you are ever searching for some beautiful QSL cards I recommend you visit www.printed.it, or contact Alfio IT9EJW, as he does a Brilliant job (reviews can be seen on www.eham.net). In addition, if your looking for something else to decorate your shack I suggest you take a look at Mike's (GM0PHW) World Prefix Maps, available on serveral websites.
I look forward to meeting you on air, and will reply 100% to any QSL cards, even if you do not need my card, I would apprecaite yours, thanks !!! Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!!!!!!!
73 David
P.O Box 136
St Helena Island
STHL 1ZZ See more info below:
Hello, Thank you for visiting my QRZ profile eithier out of general curiosity, or our wonderful QSO. I am a Sixteen Year old operator out of St Helena Island (ZD7), and deeply enjoy running a pile up - taking calls from any DX around the world.
If I'm stuck calling CQ, I would appreciate if put me up on the cluster! Whilst operating on 10m one day, someone told me to "shut up!" and I thought thats not good operating procedures what so ever, so I ask everyone to abide by the DX Code of Conduct - especially when in a pile up so I can get through and allow evryone to put ZD7 in their log. I rarely rag-chew but at times I do engage in longer QSO's, if you have any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them for you.
My working conditions include a Yaesu FT 450, powered by PSW 30, and a G5RV antenna tuned by MFJ 945E. A beam antenna would be preferable, but it isn't credible with possible educational scolarship to the UK very soon. I also looked at automatic tuners (as my rig isnt fitted with one), but reviews scared that idea out of me. If you have advice on these topics, or on my operating methods send them my way (email above).
If you are ever searching for some beautiful QSL cards I recommend you visit www.printed.it, or contact Alfio IT9EJW, as he does a Brilliant job (reviews can be seen on www.eham.net). In addition, if your looking for something else to decorate your shack I suggest you take a look at Mike's (GM0PHW) World Prefix Maps, available on serveral websites.
I look forward to meeting you on air, and will reply 100% to any QSL cards, even if you do not need my card, I would apprecaite yours, thanks !!! Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!!!!!!!
73 David
Last modified: 2013-12-17 13:27:04, 4694 bytes cached
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