St. Lucia (J6) Operation - December 1 - 9, 2013with the Buddies in the Carribean
I am glad to announce that I will be part of the 2013 Buddies in the Carribean operation from St. Lucia in early December, 2013.
My operation will be mostly CW, RTTY and PSK31. There will be eight operators using J6 / homecall. We will be using our Buddipole antennas from the Villa Chateau Devaux on the NE side of the island. I will be using a Ten Tec Eagle (100w) while operating at the villa and an Elecraft K1 (5 watts) if I make it out to any of the beaches for portable operation. Bands will be 80-10 meters but primarily 40m - 10m. We are probably going to make an entry in the ARRL 160 meter contest as well.
QSLs will be available via LOTW, bureau or if you like, direct, with a SAE and funds to cover appropriate return postage. PLEASE NO IRCs.
Direct QSLs should be sent to my QRZ.com address.
Previous Callsigns:
- WN9FKM (1963 - Novice, expired after one year, non-renewable in those days)
- WN9NDO (1973 - Novice)
- WB9NDO (1974 - 1978, General, Advanced, Extra)
- N9AW (1978 - present, Extra Class)
Primary Interests & Activities:
- DXing, Contesting, CW, RTTY & PSK31, Field Day, QRP (Foxhunting & Contests)
- Come join the QRP Summer & Winter Foxhunts. these are held on 20 mtrs during the summer months and on 80 and 40mtrs during the winter months. see www.qrpfoxhunt.org

- Greater Milwaukee DX Association (www.gmdxa.org)
- W/K ARC of Greater Milwaukee (primarily a Field Day club formed in 1974)
- QRP Cheeseheads
- Proud to be an ARRL Life Member since the 1970s
- Ten Tec (Orion II, Omni VII, Omni 6+, Argonaut V, Argonaut II, Eagle) with a Ten Tec Centurion Amplifier
- Elecraft K1 (4 bander)
- Red Hot Radio QRP single banders for 40 mtrs and 20 mtrs
- Wire Antennas: 80 Mtr Inverted Vee, 40 Mtr Delta Loop, 30 Mtr Delta Loop
- For 40 - 10 Mtr - Mosley PRO-57B (5 el, 7 band) Yagi with 40 Mtr Rotatable Dipole at 50 feet on a Rohn HDBX-48 tower

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