Richard Limebear (cw name = dick)
Rockley Ch Ch Do not mail QSLs to Barbados Barbados [+] Mailing label | ||
Lookups: 30262
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Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA G3RWL |
20130415 2240UTC 14006kHz 8P6DR
Date : 15/Apr/2013 2240UTC
Freq : 14006kHz CW
ANT : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording
Rig: K2 (100W) and G5RV dipoles. CW software = SD. Data software = MixW. Located on south coast (Rockley).
For direct QSL's please send an addressed envelope plus one IRC or US$2 for all of the world via G3RWL only. If you do not send envelope or correct postage I will return my QSL to you via the bureau. All QSO's up to 2012 have been entered on LOTW. I DO NOT ACCEPT EURO COINS.
This rig and antennas are the same as I used at FH/G3SWH from 26 February 2009 to 4 March 2009 (QSL via G3SWH). I was also an operator at T32C (QSL via G3NUG).
All activity to date has been uploaded to LOTW. Next activity March/April 2013
I accept e-mail requests for bureau QSLs; please do not send a card if you do this. In one day I often make over 200 QSO's, please help me to find your QSO in my log. I sometimes get requests without info! 'Log extracts' are fine, that is: Date (UTC), time (UTC), band, mode, and your callsign. I do not QSL from QRZ Logbook. I do not use EQSL. For all other operator info, see G3RWL. When I am on a DX trip I do not reply to email until I go home to G3RWL.
I mostly make my QSOs in contest style: XX1XX 599, TU (next pse), YY2YY 599, TU etc etc. Someone asked me if I like to be so fast. Yes but I will always answer questions and I chat sometimes. Why do I like it ? because, although 8P6 is not high on the world's 'wanted' list, it is not a 'common' country - there aren't so many cw operators there - and I enjoy to give many people a new country. If I stop to chat to everyone then there is less time for many people to get the new country. My pleasure is to give this 'new one' to people.
QRP stations: I NEVER log /QRP, please don't send it to me. Likewise I will NEVER put /QRP on QSL cards.
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