69, GREAT SOUTH WEST RD, HOUNSLOW, MIDDLESEX, ENGLAND TW4 7NH England [+] Mailing label | ||
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20130218 1210UTC 14060kHz G0IIK
Date : 18/Feb/2013 1210UTC
Freq : 14060kHz CW
Rig : CQ100(VOIP)
ANT : Internet
PC recording
Thanks nice QSO.. cuagn 73's : )
Hi, just a brief life story. I was born in in a small town, Bideford, Nth. Devon, where I served an apprenticeship as a boatbuilder for 6 years, (wooden boats, not to be confused with 'shipbuilder' which build metal boats), when the yard I was at went into liquidation. I then took up welding and worked in dockyards in Appledore and then Plymouth until at age 25 boredom set in and I became a long-distance lorry driver until age 50. The next career change took me to Heathrow Airport where I worked in air-freight, 15 years of night work until retirement at 65. I became interested in radio from CB where I was intrigued by these strange dots & dashes which I subsequently learnt was morse code and then I was hooked. I taught myself the code & then became licenced radio ham in 1987. I did a spell of slow morse transmissions on 2m and also became a Morse Test Examiner for a while which was most rewarding. I have a very modest station, lack of real estate being the main reason, I live in a small bungalow with small gardens front & back, just me & my dog a Pekinese/Pomeranian cross. My only antenna now is a G5RV slung over the roof of my bungalow. My main interest is CW, there is no microphone here, and my latest interest is in cootie morse, 'sideswiper keys' although my first love is my Vibroplex original which dates back to early '40s. It is my view that morse is much more fun when generated without the aid of electronics. My rig is a Kenwood Ts590s. That's my story, if you hear me on air I would welcome a call, I enjoy a ragchew more than chasing DX . 73, good hunting
FISTS nr 172. SKCC nr 8112
I have been informed that my callsign is being used for illegal purposes of which I am not party to in any manner. I shall not reply to any eMailI do nor recognise. 73 guys.
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